“A Night Away” (Jim Fusco original song)

Another Wednesday means another new original song acoustic music video here on the Laptop Sessions music video blog!  The site is more popular than ever and I’m very happy to have my new original music featured in front of so many eyes and ears.

In the midst of working an eight hour day and another almost full-time night job, I got a minute to record this video.  I’ve been working on my new album, “Halfway There” for almost two years now and it’s been a whole four years since my last effort. Well, we did have a band in the middle there, so that’s where all of my creativity went for a couple years.

This song actually branches off of that sentiment.  The band was a great idea in theory.  We were even great on stage.  But, when everyone in the band is close to each other friend-wise, then it makes it really difficult to mix work with it.  If I had met the other band members at a job somewhere, it probably would’ve worked out better.  Tonight’s original song is one that tells the story of the night that signaled the end of the band as we knew it.

I’m not angry.  I’m a bit more ashamed, as I say in the song.  I really wanted the band to work, but realized it wasn’t working and really couldn’t work with the personell we had.  I felt ashamed because I always finish what I start and never got that satisfaction with the band.  We even released an album that was credited to the band last year, but in actuality, it was a compilation of what each member was doing at the time.  When I think of what might have been…

On my new album, this song is probably the most rockin’ out of the 11 tracks.  It’s short, but there’s a pretty cool guitar solo in there that always makes people’s eyes light up whenever I play it for them.  I guess they never pegged me as the Guitar Hero type.  Well, it’s off to work for the rest of the night- I’ll be back for another Jim Fusco Tuesday cover song music video in a short six days.  I hope you enjoy tonight’s video and hopefully sometime in the next week I’ll be sending all of the files and music to the CD company for production.  I still want to remix and remaster four songs because I want this one to be as near-perfect as I can get it.  See you then!

This is one in a series of acoustic cover songs, original music, and free mp3 downloads here on the Laptop Sessions Music Video Blog.

1 thought on ““A Night Away” (Jim Fusco original song)

  1. Great original song–you should be neither “ashamed” nor “proud and angry” though. A band not meshing well is often unavoidable. Even the great Barenaked Ladies have succumbed to it, i.e. Steven Page, and the earlier members. By the way, was that a cell phone vibrating in the background? It may have been someone important, like your fiance or something. You should really check on that.

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