“For Real” (Indie Music by Songwriter Jim Fusco)

By Jim Fusco:

Welcome to yet another “Original Wednesday” Session here with me, Jim Fusco!

This one kinda crept up on me today, and for the second time, Chris and I tried to do “The Game” off of my band MoU’s new album, “Homestead’s Revenge”. But, again, my voice wouldn’t hold out—for my own song! It’s been like this for about a month now and I don’t know how to make it better.

So, I reached way back into Jim Fusco lore to get this song off of my album, “Formula” from early 2003. You can listen to the entire album and purchase it here: http://jimfusco.com/albums/formula.html  I tell ya, it sure seems like a lot longer ago than that- a lot has happened in only five years. I expect a whole lot more is coming in the next five years, as well.

I always remember my father pointing out that this was a good song- something about it caught his ear and I took note of his reaction.

I changed one line just for curiosity’s sake. If you’re an official Jim Fusco fan (no, not you Jeff, Chris, or Becky), then you’ll know which one. and if someone other than those three asks me, I will be happy to answer why I changed it for this version.

From an otherwise “okay” album that I don’t think has worn too well over five years, this song has always been a standout track for me, and I hope you agree.

Make sure to stay tuned as the Session a Day rolls on here in 2008!

This is one in a series of acoustic cover songs, original music, and free mp3 downloads here on the Laptop Sessions Music Video Blog.

2 thoughts on ““For Real” (Indie Music by Songwriter Jim Fusco)

  1. I know this will sound weird given the work that you and MoU produce now, but Formula is possibly my favorite album from you.

    I’ll skip a couple of lines so you can pick your jaw up from the ground.

    I always thought it was a clear, motivated, and exemplary album that had all kinds of songs on it. I guess given the “formula” theme of the album, you’d expect that. This song in particular is insightful and the effects you used on the album really fit well. I almost expected the same thing from this session.

    I may have to pay tribute to this album on my next Original Wednesday. Unless I finish the song I am currently writing.

    Until then, get some sleep and drink lots of water so your voice will be ready for “The Game” in 20 days. Hope your new job is going well!

  2. Thanks Jeff- it’s been so busy. No answering the phone before 5 anymore. Plus, I’ve been going to the real estate school AFTER work, then I gotta go home and cook, etc.

    Thank your for the compliments on this under-appreciated (by me) album. Chris really likes it, too, but all I have to say is: wait until “Halfway There”!

    That’s VERY exciting to hear that you have a new song in the works! I think we can all agree that it better not be five years until another Jeff Copperthite disc hits the shelves.

    Yes, we’ll try “The Game” next go-around. Sorry I haven’t been available recently, too- just give me time to adjust to my 8 am wakeup now!


    PS- The job is really cool!

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