“Man in Black” (Johnny Cash Cover)

By Chris Moore:

I had such fun playing “Folsom Prison Blues” that it was only a matter of time before I chose another Johnny Cash song! This is one of my father’s favorites and my grandfather is also a big fan, so I’d like to send this one out to them!

Well, I recorded this one in one perfect take… except for the very end, when I accidentally sang “I’ll try to carry off a little COLOR on my back…” instead of “darkness.” I obviously couldn’t let that go, so I re-recorded it. Again. And again. And again…

You get the point. But, I’m really happy I learned it (and anyone in hearing range the other night must’ve learned it, too). Thanks for coming back to guitarbucketlist.com; check back tomorrow for an all-new session from none other than Jeff Copperthite!

This is one in a series of acoustic cover songs, original music, and free mp3 downloads here on the Laptop Sessions Music Video Blog.

1 thought on ““Man in Black” (Johnny Cash Cover)

  1. Great song and performance Chris. You even dressed the part. Way to raise the bar for Jim & I. I look forward to your next video!

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