“Our Love Doesn’t Translate” (Jim Fusco Original Song)

By Jim Fusco:

Hello everyone- I know you were expecting a great acoustic cover song music video tonight, but instead, to commemorate my brand new album, “Halfway There”, I decided to record track two off of the album, “Our Love Doesn’t Translate”.

“Halfway There”, available at http://jimfusco.com, is an album I’m very proud of- I’m sure you’ll love it, and to prove it, you can hear the entire album online before you buy!

If I weren’t so tired tonight, I would tell you SO much about this song and this album.  My friend Alberto and I wrote this song while in Italy- we were so proud of it and we both knew we had a great song on our hands.  We were so excited to record this song when we got back- I finished it within a couple of weeks.  That was almost two full years ago- I’m so glad this album is finally finished and released!

Listen to the words of this song- they tell the whole story of a lost love and not being able to “connect” with that person.  It’s an exaggerated metaphor for this theory and I think you’ll get what we were talking about.

Okay- it’s been an incredibly long day and I need to gear up for another.  We had a great time tonight with a new friend from California- what a great way to kick-off the album release!

This is one in a series of acoustic cover songs, original music, and free mp3 downloads here on the Laptop Sessions Music Video Blog.

1 thought on ““Our Love Doesn’t Translate” (Jim Fusco Original Song)

  1. Pingback: Music Reviews: Jim Fusco’s “Halfway There” | Music Video Blog

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