The Laptop Sessions: BEHIND THE SCENES… (Acoustic Rock Video Blog)

By Chris Moore:

This is an outtake from a recent recording for the Laptop Sessions. I just had to share it, and I hope you find it as enjoyable as I did. (Keep in mind that this is completely unscripted — this is exactly how it happened; this is precisely my natural reaction!) I think it speaks for itself…

Check back for a new Original Wednesday Laptop Session, to be posted in about an hour or so.

Behind the Scenes III (“This One’s For the Birds” – Covers…)

By Chris Moore:

(I vowed to myself that I wouldn’t do another one of these progressively cheesier “Behind the Scenes” segments, but this actually happened to me yesterday and I just had to share!…)

Welcome to The Laptop Sessions: Behind the Scenes III! Come one, come all – see how the Laptop Sessions may appear easy to produce, but this is just one of the many problems we face behind the scenes! 🙂

Seriously, I hope you enjoy…

P.S. As with the previous two “Behind the Scenes” segments I’ve done (well, at least with the first one…), this was completely unscripted!