Chris reaches the 80,000 YouTube views milestone!

By Chris Moore:

Well, it’s been a slow climb uphill, especially considering that I’ve seen many individual cover songs (not unlike my own) that are individually at tens of thousands of views.  That being said, every notch in the belt towards 100,000 is reason for excitement.

So, I took a break from getting dressed and ready for work to report that I have officially reached 80,000 YouTube views!

Every time I hit one of these increments, I get even more determined to see six digits.  So, even though the session-a-day project is over, I’ll just have to find new and different ways to make fewer videos get more views.  Maybe I can start by posting fewer of my favorite songs that are completely unknown to the YouTube community as a whole.  I have to admit that I understand the balance that needs to be struck, but I just love the feeling of accomplishment I get when I record the songs that I truly love.  And I honestly thought that some of my long shots, such as Wilco’s “Wishful Thinking” or even Big Star’s “Thirteen” might pick up some attention from the indie music crowd on YouTube.

Some of the videos that I have recorded recently — covers of Bob Dylan, the Barenaked Ladies, and the Beatles, for instance — have become fairly popular videos, at least for me.  However, many of my other videos are getting fewer views than my average even, say, six months ago.  Some videos — like the Wilco ones — pick up steam after a while, but many others — like Leonard Cohen, the Fruit Bats, and, of course, Big Star — just stagnate.  I like what Jeff has done, cornering the Laptop Sessions market on recording songs that were popular in the 90s but that are not necessarily from popular bands.  As Jim pointed out the other day, Jeff and I seem to be the 90s and 2000s wonder boys.  I guess I’m more of the 90s and 2000s kid with a lot of obscure records in his collection… 🙂

Regardless, I hadn’t intended to write a “State of the Tube” address for myself, but there it is!  I hope you enjoy Jeff’s Thumpin’ Thursday post tonight, stop back for another all-new guest session on Friday, and then I’ll see you back here on Monday!

Happy Birthday to Bob Dylan, Songwriter Extraordinaire!

By Chris Moore:

Well, it’s not my day to post a video blog, but I couldn’t let it slip by without acknowledging my favorite songwriter’s 67th birthday. I’m referring to Bob Dylan, of course! We’ve recorded a good deal of acoustic covers of his songs already (just select “Bob Dylan” in the “categories” list to your left), and I look forward to playing many more. In fact, we’re planning a “Triple Threat Tuesday” soon for his Nashville Skyline tune “Tonight I’ll Be Staying Here With You.”

So, as the day comes to a close, I hope you’ve had a chance to listen to your favorite Dylan song or, (for the die hard fans) read your favorite poem from Tarantula! 🙂

See you tomorrow for my video blog post — the first acoustic cover of a new theme-based week!