“Exception” (Jim Fusco Original Song)

By Jim Fusco:

It’s finally on its way: April 7th, 2009 will mark the release of my new album, Halfway There.  Every time I release a new album, I think it’s about 100 times better than the last.  The same thing goes with this album- truly a “no regrets and no holding back” type of effort that I’m sure will end up being a bright spot in my musical career.

Before the album’s released, I’ll be making some acoustic music videos of songs from the album, continuing with “Exception” here tonight.

“Exception” is the only sappy love song on the album.  Okay, it’s not THAT sappy.  But, if you listen to the album, you’ll hear me bashing (whether it be fair or not) a very dear person, blaming that person for making me feel “Halfway There”.  But, I recant later on in the album, saying that, yes, that person makes me feel “halfway there”, but I made the cognitive decision to stay that way, so it must be what I’ve wanted all along.

“Exception” is the song that tells about my decision to stick by, even though in many other aspects in life, I feel “halfway there”.  I hope it makes sense- this post actually made even more sense when I typed it all last week.  But, the stupid iPhone WordPress app decided to remove all the buttons from the bottom of the screen (some glitch) and it deleted my post.

So, we have a redo here tonight and I hope it makes my point about this song.  This song is full of hooks and little catchy parts, combined with a cool guitar solo and harmonies throughout.  It’s truly a unique cut on the album and sort of harks back to my earlier work in its style.  The rest of the album is much “deeper”, but still manages to sound happy and peppy- you just have to actually listen to what I’m saying!

Okay- that’s all for me tonight.  I have my plate full over the weekend with web work to do, so I hope that I’ll get to trick out the Laptop Sessions site with advertisements for “Halfway There”.  I guess we’ll have to wait and see!  Have a great night and see you all again on Tuesday.