Jim Fusco Reaches ONE MILLION YouTube Video Views!!

The Laptop Sessions with Jim Fusco is proud to announce that Jim has now reached one million YouTube video views on his acoustic cover song music videos!

This is a milestone for the Laptop Sessions site, as Jim set this goal when starting the acoustic cover song music video series over three years ago. Jim wanted to put an end to bad YouTube covers forever- a million views down and he’s well on his way!

Here’s hoping the million arrives ten times faster!

Jim Fusco reaches 250,000 YouTube Video Views!

Tonight, I just checked my YouTube stats and noticed that I am over 250,000 YouTube video views! This represents a combination of acoustic cover song music videos, how-to videos, and original songs.

I thank everyone for their support. At this rate, I’m on par to reach 500,000 total views by the end of the year- that’s doubling my current total, which took me sixteen months to originally get! Now, I’m looking to double my views in only eight months. And, if our past data shows us anything, it’s that the Laptop Sessions acoustic songs music videos only seem to gain in popularity day after day.

So, here’s to the first quarter-million (wow, that sounds good) and on to the next! It is a life goal to get to 1,000,000 views on YouTube- many people have views in the thousands, tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands, but it’s a very small percentage that can get to a million and that’s exactly what I’d expect from myself and the Laptop Sessions over the coming months.

Thanks to all viewers and keep watching!
