“Christmas Cards” (Original Christmas Song by Chris Moore) – The Laptop Sessions

Okay, it’s time for me to contribute to “Original Wednesday.” And for my first selection…

This is one of my original Christmas songs. I know it’s a bit sad for a Christmas song, but it was a clear and simple portrait of how I felt at the time that I wrote it. And it still takes me back. (I suppose the question is, why would I want to?…)

“The Easy Ways” New Album by Jim Fusco Arrives 9/20/14

That’s right, everyone- the new album from Jim Fusco, “The Easy Ways”, is being released on Saturday, September 20th, 2014 when Jim hosts his Album Release Party!  If you’re in the Connecticut area, please join us for the celebration at Silver City Restaurant in Meriden, CT at 5:30 pm.  Jim will perform the entire album live with a special mix of the disc that allows him to play and sing along with the backing track.  It’s the best way to experience the album live!

The Easy Ways album by musician and songwriter Jim Fusco

“The Easy Ways” will also be available online, either on CD through Jim’s website (http://jimfusco.com) or CD Baby (http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/JimFusco).  The album will also be available digitally on iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/jim-fusco), CD Baby, and wherever digital music is sold.

What’s happening (or, “Why I Haven’t Been Posting Much New Music Lately”)

By Jim Fusco:

Hi folks! I’ve been pretty down lately about my computer. As I mentioned earlier, my hard drive just died out of nowhere and I’m left with a bare computer that I’m kind of avoiding right now. I haven’t put all the software back on, plus I can’t get the files off of my old hard drive. It’s SOOO frustrating. Anyway, here’s what I’ve been up to:

  1. Chris and I put up all of the Christmas decorations in the house a couple days ago. We’re hoping to get the tree tomorrow (but since I’m still awake at almost 4 am and we have a party to go to at noon…), and that will complete our decorating. The place looks GREAT! We took video, and I’ll be posting it HOPEFULLY tomorrow with some Christmas music in the background.
  2. I had the day alone today. I spent it working on something (see point #3), but I was also hoping to start working on the MoU Holiday Party 2006 DVD, since I found the master tapes just today. Problem is that I don’t have my video editing program, so I can’t even start putting the tapes into the computer yet! 🙁
  3. Today, I spent most of the day cooking for myself and working on a cover of one of my favorite songs of all time: the Moody Blues’ “The Voice”. I’ve always loved that song, and I just finished making a completely produced version of it, complete with synthesizers. I can’t believe how great it sounds and I’ll hopefully be mixing it tomorrow and putting it online as a FREE download at the Fusco-Moore Store!
  4. New Laptop Sessions will be coming soon. I just have been so upset about losing all the sessions I had done just before it crashed, I haven’t really gotten up the gaul to just do them again. I hope I get my stuff back…
  5. We’re planning the Fusco-Moore Christmas Party (search in the side bar to the right for the old post with the info.) and we hope it’ll be a success. Let us know (by leaving a comment) if you can make it!

I hope everyone’s having a great Christmastime and I promise we’ll be back to 100% soon! ~Jim

You’re invited to the Fusco-Moore Christmas Party!! – New Music to be Performed!

Hello everyone. On behalf of all of us here at Fusco-Moore Productions, I’d like to invite you to the Second Annual

Fusco-Moore Productions Christmas Party!

Here are the details:

Where: Masonic Hall (same as last year!)
50 North Main Street
Wallingford, CT 06492

When: Sunday, December 30th, 2007 @ 3:00 pm

Cover: $7.00 gets you a copy of last year’s Christmas Concert on 2 CDs or 1 DVD,
Plus a FREE ziti dinner prepared by Jim Fusco, head chef for the Fusco-Moore Experience!!

RSVP: (203) 314-3556 – Chris or
(203) 500-3879 – Jim

** Various members of Fusco-Moore Productions will be playing acoustic Christmas/Holiday songs at the party, and we would love to have your input. So when you call, please give us a request for a Christmas song you would like to hear. This year, you can also come up and help us sing along!! **

I hope to see all of our supporters living in CT (or thereabouts) there!!