“I Need…” (Original Acoustic Song by Songwriter Jim Fusco)

By Jim Fusco:

Welcome to another edition of “Original Wednesday” here on the best music video blog of all time: the Laptop Sessions!

After the success of last time’s “Jim Fusco downer song from ‘My Other Half'”, I decided to give you another cut from the same album: “I Need…”.  Actually, in a half-hour span, I wrote these two songs.  It was a difficult time for me- I knew my relationship was ending, but dealt with it by writing two “downer” songs, but with different meanings.  On one hand, I had “I’m Just Waiting” that was about the end coming in the relationship.  The other, this tune: “I Need…”, dealt with the fact that I was going to be without someone again.  That wasn’t something I was too happy about, but new love will always come eventually.  It’s MUCH better than being unhappy in a relationship, I’ll tell you that.

That’s why, over the past few years, I haven’t had much to write about relationship-wise, as I’ve had such a steadily growing relationship.  In fact, the songs on my upcoming album (which I’m mastering tonight) that deal with my relationship are simply about my unhappiness that after all of this time, I’m still forced to be away more often than not.  I’ve waited long enough, I say! 🙂

I hope you enjoy tonight’s original Wednesday Laptop Session.  I’d write more, but as a guy, I find that I can’t do two things at once.  I have to go back to mastering my songs now so I can give a copy to a select few to review and tweak.  Until Saturday, enjoy Chris and Jeff’s videos!