“Wild Honey” (U2 Cover)

By Federico Borluzzi:

Cover of ”Wild Honey,” included in U2’s All That You Can’t Leave Behind album (2000). I played it with acoustic guitar in a lower key.


It feels odd to refer to Federico as a guest performer, considering how many of his performances he’s shared with the Laptop Sessions blog.  He’s back again today with another excellent video.

As I discovered last time he covered U2, I enjoy the band’s music so much more when Federico is the one performing it!  🙂

Well, U2 fan or not, I hope that you’ll enjoy his cover song version of “Wild Honey.”

Stay tuned for more great new material coming soon to the blog!

“Country Air” (Beach Boys Cover)

By Jim Fusco:

Well, my first request fulfilled tonight! Of course, it’s one from a genre we’ve become known for here on the Laptop Sessions acoustic cover songs music video blog: Beach Boys cover songs.  Talk about obscure- here’s a song from the Beach Boys “Wild Honey” album. It’s called “Country Air”. I love the Boys’ harmonies on this song, but this take kinda gives it that down-home “country” feel to it.

I’ve always loved the dark sounding piano they used in this song, but, of course, I’ll take it on guitar. If I had a better sounding keyboard, I’d use that.

For all these videos so far, I’ve used my classical-stringed guitar that I bought in Sicily. I don’t know why, but it’s fun to play.  It also kind of replicates that darker sounding piano that’s in the original.  You just get to hear this song played a bit differently- and isn’t that what the cover songs music blog is all about?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this song, and maybe next one will be a little more “known”.

But, if you have ANY Beatles, Beach Boys cover songs, Moody Blues, or Byrds songs you’d like me to do, I DEFINITELY will! (Unless it’s Good Vibrations or something that would sound ridiculous with just one person…).

I hope you enjoy! Please subscribe to my videos at http://youtube.com/jimfusco.