A Link to our Video Blog on Brian Wilson’s Official Site!!

By Jim Fusco:

If you know me, you know this is big news: Michael, the Admin for Brian Wilson’s Official Website, put a link to the guitarbucketlist.com homepage there to showcase the Brian Wilson/Beach Boys videos!

And below is a screenshot of the page- look at where my link is placed- right below his BAND MEMBERS! 🙂 Of course, I blew up the description of my link so it could be seen easier. Thanks to Michael and everyone for making this such a beneficial project!

Jim’s link on Brian Wilson’s site!

This is one in a series of acoustic cover songs, original music, and free mp3 downloads here on the Laptop Sessions Music Video Blog.

5 thoughts on “A Link to our Video Blog on Brian Wilson’s Official Site!!

  1. WOW! Now that’s some serious credibility for your Beach Boys Sessions… And ABOVE Rolling Stone, Amazon, etc…

  2. Terrific exposure for sure – however, shouldn’t it be “new videos are added every day”?

    But hey, who am I to be picky when we are linked from Brian Wilsons’ site!

  3. Well, Jeff- I have to say, this one’s all for me- that’s why it’s talking about “Jim Fusco sings Brian Wilson songs” and that I come out with new videos about three times a week. Promoting me? Yes. But, in turn promoting the two of you? Of course! I wouldn’t want it any other way. A win for me is always a win for you guys, plus a win for you guys always means good things for me. That’s why I can’t wait for “Greenlight” coupled with the launch of our new site!

  4. so awesome!!! I still think it’s listed in order of attractiveness, so you’re number three-not bad! hahaha

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