“Love Minus Zero/No Limit” (Bob Dylan Cover)

By Chris Moore:

Well, my voice is still pretty much shot, so I did what I thought was logical… record another Dylan tune!

This is one that I’ve been saving for some time, as it’s one of my favorites — Bob Dylan’s “Love Minus Zero/No Limit” off his half-acoustic, half-electric album Bringing It All Back Home. I’ll be recording more off of this album in the future, but even a Dylan fan as devoted as myself hasn’t completely memorized “Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream”…

There’s some big news brewing for some live shows in the not-too-distant future, and as soon as dates are solidified, we’ll post them on the blog. For now, I really hope to see you for dinner at Testa’s in Southington this Saturday evening between 8:30 and 12:30. We’re prepared to play about 80 songs (which I don’t think we’ll get to, but we’re ready all the same!).

A final bit of good news — I hope to break 10,000 views on YouTube by my next post! Thanks again to all who have been watching my videos, both new and old, and I really hope you’ll come see them all — Jim’s, Jeff’s, and mine — at https://guitarbucketlist.com !!

You can look forward to an all-new session from Jeff tomorrow, and I’ll see you next session!

This is one in a series of acoustic cover songs, original music, and free mp3 downloads here on the Laptop Sessions Music Video Blog.

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