“Miracle” (Foo Fighters Cover)

By Jeff:

Good evening and welcome to Thumpin’ Thursday!  I hope you are well and looking forward to a nice weekend.

Today I bring a song by the Foo Fighters called “Miracle”.  The song is among their more soft and acoustic album cuts of late.  It really shows off their instrumentation skills as well as Dave Grohl’s versatile vocal abilities.

I feel sad saying it, but I do have to let you know what’s going on.  First good news – whether you knew it or not but in a couple of weeks my life is going to change forever.  Sadly, it is this reason that I am going to have to downgrade myself to “contributer” (which is kind of what I am already anyway).  I won’t be able to post every Thursday, and there is no way of telling when Thursday comes around in the future whether I can post or not.  When I can I will, but to be honest, there will be a handful of things that can prevent me from posting.  I don’t want to be specific, but those who know me know what i’m talking about.

I have enjoyed being a regular contributor to the site for nearly 2 years now, and have recorded over 160 videos and amassed 170k in views (and rising at about 300-350 views/day).  I know that this number won’t stop increasing even if my production of videos slows down.

I want to thank everyone that has visited this blog regularly in the past 2 years, and I want to thank Chris and Jim for bringing me along for the ride.  It is amazing to look back at where we were when this blog started, and what our mission was.  I’d say we have done a pretty good job of getting a following, and I hope you bring nothing but support and joy when you read our blog.

With that said, I will see you next week ideally with another video.  If you have things you wish to pass along to me, please send me a private message or comment here.

Editor’s Note: Unfortunately, Jeff’s acoustic cover song music videos are no longer on YouTube, but we decided to keep his cover song blog posts up.  We figured these music blog entries would be good for posterity’s sake and because Jeff always gave such insightful posts each Session.  We hope to see Jeff’s impressive catalog of acoustic rock songs here on the Laptop Sessions cover songs and original music blog again in the future.  But, for now, please make sure to check-out hundreds of other acoustic cover songs from all of your favorite bands here on the Laptop Sessions music blog!

Thumpin’ Thursday will turn into Super Saturday this week only!

By Jeff:

Thank you for visiting the site today!  Just wanted to let you know that, despite my best efforts, I do not have a new video to debut today.

I’ll tell you what the plan was.  I had a couple of videos that I recorded a while ago that I just wasn’t happy about posting, so I thought today would be a great day to post one of those as sort of a “here’s what I held back, and perhaps you can see why I did” videos.

However, it did not dawn on me that those 3 videos are stored on my old laptop.

The same one that hasn’t worked in 4 months.


So despite this hiccup, I will be posting a new video on Saturday!  Please do come back for the latest in our series!

Video Blog Milestone: Songwriter Jim Fusco’s 100th YouTube subscriber!!

By Jim Fusco:

Well, almost a month ahead of schedule, today I received my 100th YouTube subscriber!

Even though this number pales in comparison to Chris’ subscriber count, I’m still very proud of it because I’d say about 95 of these subscribers decided to subscribe on their own. I mean, I didn’t invite them to subscribe- they saw my videos and liked them enough to choose to watch them as soon as they come out! What a testament to the power of the Laptop Sessions.

But, I won’t be so high-and-mighty anymore, as I really just wanted to reach 100 “natural” subscribers. Now, I’ll be doing a bit more work finding the people that love my videos…but don’t quite know it yet.

With that said, thank you to my Top 100 and, as promised, the 100th subscriber will be getting his $10 Fusco-Moore Store gift certificate…as soon as YouTube is done performing site maintenance.

The Moody Blues Concert, Video Blog Updates, & a BIG Announcement!!

By Jim Fusco:

Ladies and gentlemen… I have a HUGE announcement for you!!

But, you’ll have to listen to the Fusco-Moore Productions Podcast to find out what it is!! But, I can say this- there’s definitely something in it for YOU if you listen in!

How, you ask? Well, click HERE to visit the Fusco-Moore Podcast’s feed, and click HERE to open it up in iTunes (if you have iTunes installed on a Mac or a PC- it’s free!!).

Let’s get those numbers growing!!

Okay, now for some other news:

Obviously, I’m as thrilled as Jeff about our growing popularity on YouTube (my version of The Laptop Sessions is got 1,000 views in only 11 days…the FIRST 11 days!!), and Jeff’s and Chris’ numbers are also growing fast. I can’t wait to see where this all goes… Please, please, please tell your friends and relatives to subscribe to all of our podcasts and YouTube feeds. Why? Because these things are “viral”, and believe it or not, that’s not a bad thing. In this case, “viral” means that if places like YouTube, Google, and Yahoo! see that we’re gaining popularity, they’ll consider it more important. And when they consider it more important, it goes in front of the eyes of MANY more people. And, it just snowballs from there!

That’s why you see some videos go from a few hundred views to over a MILLION views in just a few days! So, it’s flu season…and let’s all get viral.

Another great way you (yes, YOU!) can help to promote us is by going on message boards (not the Brian Wilson one, though- we’ve already made some great connections there) for the bands we do covers of. For instance, Jeff did a Wallflowers song. So, find a Wallflowers fansite, join their message board or forum, and tell them about us! Put links! Get in conversations! You may go on to promote, but in the end, you’ll find some great new friends. I never had the intention of advertising on the Brian Wilson site- they’re just great people that saw my love of his music and loved it, too.

Speaking of music I love, Chris and I went to see the Moody Blues in concert at Foxwoods a couple weeks ago. What a show!! Of course, I’ve seen them plenty of times, but Chris has only just become a HUGE Moodies fan, so this was a special treat. We had a great night. Chris won a bit on the slots (of course) and I played for an hour and 20 minutes, only losing ten bucks!! And, everyone knows that on a Friday night, that’s a BIG win.

The Moody Blues are not in the Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame. These guys had 3 number one albums (the Beach Boys with…one) and had PLENTY of hit songs including “Go Now”, “Nights in White Satin”, and “I Know You’re Out There Somewhere”. It pains me, especially because they’ve been around for 40 years now, are still touring, and each one of them is one of the BEST at their instrument. And, as you’ll see with many of the bands I like, each member of the band writes his own songs. Some albums actually have an equal number of songs from ALL FIVE MEMBERS! Plus, they’re all great.

Moody Blues Concert 1

Here are some illegal photos I snuck while at the concert. It was a blast, as usual, and the dinner at Hard Rock Cafe was a great cap to the week. It’s been really crazy at work and with things in life now. I’m so happy I have things like the concert and the great response I’ve gotten to the Laptop Sessions to come home to. I’m happy to be sleep-deprived and overworked to make these things possible.

Moody Blues Concert 2

Well, this is one hefty post- I hope you’ll go on and subscribe to the podcast to hear my big announcement!! Talk to you soon,
