Jim’s Most Interesting Week Ever

Yes, this is proving to be one of the most interesting weeks of my life. In fact, I think it will be THE most interesting week by far! In lieu of doing a video tonight, I thought I would comment (ala Jeff) about my goings-on. Hopefully I’ll be able to record a video tonight and then I’m planning on having some very special audio-only sessions for the two weeks I’m away.

Why am I away? Well, we can’t get there just yet. Let’s start here:

My fiancée and I recently purchased a new home. And by new, I mean just a piece of land! We went through the mortgage process (which is very tedious) and have finally come out okay on the other end. After all the deposits and fees, we’re ready to go.

So, this week, we met with the builder to pick out everything in the house- the siding, the shutters, the options, the cabinets, etc. It was difficult to make all those decisions (especially when we didn’t exactly agree on a lot of the stuff), but it was pretty fun to customize the house like that. This place is going to rock!!

Now, we have to meet with the builder and all the real estate agents on Wednesday for a pre-construction meeting. This should finalize and solidify everything. They’ll be able to break ground this week! By the time I get back, the foundation should be up and they’ll be ready to start framing the house! What a thing to come home to.

Also this week, I’m holding very private “sessions” that will be the fruit of my secret audio-only Sessions for the next two weeks. Sorry, but I have to be cryptic about this one.

Now, I’m still working, mind you. I work 40 hours a week and I’m working right up to Friday afternoon. Every night this week, I’m also working hard to edit a wedding video and hopefully get some other freelance work done.

Oh, and I forgot to mention: I’M GETTING MARRIED THIS WEEKEND!

So, we have our rehearsal on Friday and the wedding is on Saturday morning. Of course, my fiancée is going nuts running around and getting everything ready. Thankfully, she isn’t working this week, but even still, it’s a lot to do. I’ve been handling the house stuff and she’s been doing all the wedding stuff. I think I got the better end of the deal.

There’s so many more things to it than what I mentioning. Things that you don’t think about until it’s all too much to handle. I mean, we had to pick up the tuxedo, print programs for the church, etc. And, early next week is my father’s birthday- thankfully, I remembered to buy a present last week!

Then, on Tuesday, we leave for sunny Hawaii and I won’t be back until August 9th. Obviously, we’re extremely excited about it and it should be a great, relaxing time. I just can’t wait to lay on that beach and soak up the sun. It’s a place I’ve always wanted to go and Becky really deserves this trip.

So, again, a recap of events this week (keep in mind that I’m working 8:30 to 5:30 each day, as well!):

Monday: Met with builder to pick out stuff for the house
Tuesday: Tuxedo and secret “sessions”
Wednesday: Meet with builder for pre-construction meeting
Thursday: More secret “sessions” and secret “preparations”, plus our weekly dose of TNA iMPACT!
Friday: Rehearsal at 5:00 (working till 3:00) and rehearsal dinner at 6:30
Saturday: Ceremony at 11:30 and reception until 6:30, then off to Presidential Suite at hotel in Hamden for a couple of nights
Tuesday: Leave at 7 am for Hawaii!!

With that said, including the fact that I need to finish editing this wedding tonight and do web work, I’ll still try to get that video done. Talk to you then!

“You May Be Right” (Billy Joel cover)

By Jim Fusco:

Okay, so here’s a bit of an anomaly. Most of us cast members of WCJM.com Free Internet Radio will be surprised, if they’re not listening to the shows as often as I do, to find me playing a Billy Joel song. I want to take this opportunity to clear the air.

If you listen to the Beach Boys’ music through the ages, you’ll hear a progression in the music. The styles may be different as the years go on, but most of it is just building on what was previously there.

Conversely, you can listen to Paul McCartney or the Moody Blues through the years and notice that their song/music styles change with the TIMES. For instance, in the seventies, songs got longer, then got disco-y, then got electronic once they reached the eighties. Around 2000, you heard drum loops and “new age” production on albums from both McCartney and the Moodies.

But, their SONGS and the general “type” of music (rock or pop) stayed pretty constant. I’m not giving any free passes for horrible disco versions (Beach Boys fans can goan at “Here Comes the Night”) or electronica from the early 80s, but at least you still knew it was a “Paul” song or a “Moodies” song.

Billy Joel, for me, falls into two categories, both of which I’ll briefly address:

1. Overrated:

As you’ll note with the bands I like, I tend to stay away from bands that are generally “overrated”. Yes, the Beatles are lauded all the time, but it’s pretty clear they’re the ONLY band that deserves the accolades they get. But, Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys NEVER won a Grammy for their songs (unless you count “Best Instrumental” for “Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow” a few years ago- what an insult). The Moody Blues STILL aren’t in the Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame. I don’t think America’s had a decently reviewed album in Rolling Stone since their first one.

But, look at who gets ALL the attention:

– Bruce Springsteen
– Elton John (who sells concert tickets like Tickle-Me-Elmos did the day after Thanksgiving)
– Bob Dylan, whom I’m convinced can fart on the microphone and earn a Five Star Rolling Stone review. Don’t get me wrong, I love the man, but he is overrated, as well.

Now, Billy Joel is playing TEN, yes TEN shows at Mohegan Sun Casino here in Connecticut and sold them all out. The man hasn’t done an album in like 15 years and is more popular than ever. I swear more people go to his concerts than have EVER bought his music. And THAT’S the kind of crowd that makes someone so overrated. The “Starbucks” crowd that loves what all the other soccer moms love.

The theme here: It’s not Billy Joel’s fault. I really don’t blame HIM for my dislike of his music.

2. He changes the TYPE of music he plays ALL THE TIME.

As I said earlier, bands I like have changed their styles through the years, either through progression, or just keeping up with the times. But, again- a Beach Boys song was a Beach Boys song, you know?

Now, Billy Joel:

Sometimes, he’s the crooner, singing in that horrid “holier than thou” voice about “regular people” from New York and their stories.

Then, out of nowhere, he’s formed a barbershop quartet in “For The Longest Time”.

Then, he’s some teeney-bopper singing “Uptown Girl”.

Then, 80’s rocker while singing “We Didn’t Start the Fire”.

And, finally, he’s a good old fashioned rock’n’roller on tunes like this one, “You May Be Right”.

What style of music IS this man? Epic piano numbers? Guitar-based rockers? Vocals-only diddies? What?

That question, I cannot answer. And maybe I’m being a bit too general here, as since I’ve noticed this trend, I’ve never gotten past the Greatest Hits.

In closing, I love this song, I love the style, and I wish this was the REAL Billy Joel. I hope you enjoy my rip-roarin’ rendition of this Billy Joel song! (What a rant…)