Eric Clapton’s “Back Home” (2005) – Yes, No, or Maybe So

Eric Clapton’s Back Home (2005) – MAYBE NOT

Eric Clapton's "Back Home" (2005)

Eric Clapton's "Back Home" (2005)

(August 29, 2005)


The only “revolution” that happened between 2001’s excellent Reptile and Back Home was Eric Clapton’s conversion to the school of light contemporary snooze rock, filling up his new album with instrumentally pedestrian and lyrically boring recordings; Clapton’s guitarwork is, as always, interesting, but that can’t save most songs from dragging on a minute too long (“Love Don’t Love Nobody” has no business being over seven minutes!) or the background singers from drawing a smirk.

Top Two Tracks:

“So Tired” & “Back Home”

Honorable Mention:

“Love Comes to Everyone” (yes, the George Harrison song, recorded as a tribute following his death and recognized here for sounding so much like the original)

Eric Clapton’s “Clapton” (2010) – Yes, No, or Maybe So

Eric Clapton’s Clapton (2010) – NO

(September 27, 2010)

Clapton (Eric Clapton, 2010)

Clapton (Eric Clapton, 2010)


For the fogey-at-heart, Clapton is a trip down Memory Lane with a set of covers recorded on high quality modern doohickeys; for anyone searching for a creative pulse, turn your interests elsewhere — this is a Clapton who has yet to regain what was lost post-Reptile.

(And, for the record, I may dry heave if I read one more review praising the overplayed ho-hum predictability of  “Diamonds Made From Rain” and “Autumn Leaves.”)

(P.S. I considered simply writing: “Clapton: the brilliantly original title says it all,” but I wouldn’t want to be harsh.)

Top Two Tracks:

If I had to choose, “Everything Will Be Alright” & “Hard Time Blues”