“Please Come Home For Christmas” by Jim Fusco – FREE mp3 Download! – Day 7 of 14

By Jim Fusco:

Halfway home, folks!  I can’t believe it’s been a full week of releasing these Christmas songs.  I’ll admit, I actually just finished recording the album a few minutes ago, as I still had some guitar work to do.  Just another session of mixing and everything will be complete.  But, it’s like teaching- as long as you’re one page ahead of the students…

I bring you “Please Come Home For Christmas” in the style of The Eagles today, by request from my mom.  She loves the Laptop Sessions version we did a few years ago.  Now, I have to toot my own horn here and say that this newly recorded studio version sounds almost exactly like the original!  I worked very hard to get the correct sounds on the guitar, including the chorus sound on the arpeggiated guitar.

Tomorrow, we start week number two, so please keep coming back to download your free copy of all of these songs!  I hope you like “Please Come Home For Christmas” and see you tomorrow!

“Please Come Home For Christmas” (Eagles Acoustic & Electric Rock Cover)

By Jim Fusco:

Well, my first Eagles cover tonight, aided by one Chris Moore!

This is a landmark Laptop Session, as it’s the first one EVER to feature an electric guitar!  I’m using one of my prized Ibanez guitars for this video.  I can’t believe how great it came out.  I’m not talking about our performance- I’m talking about the fact that we used my one microphone and just sorta placed it there and let it roll.  The amp was on the other side of the room, too.

I got the solo perfect in this take, but Chris wanted to do another one to perfect his part.  After a couple of extra takes, I decided that the solo was more important than a couple of botched chords, so we kept this take.  You may notice a different font used in this video, as that’s a clear sign we used Chris’ computer, as mine was busy burning DVDs.

I like this song, but didn’t really love it until I learned how to play it last year.  It’s got some great chords, including one of my favorites- A major 7th.  It’s my first Eagles song, too, and I’m happy I had Chris to back me up and allow me to play a non-kazoo solo tonight.

It’s really late now, as Mike came over to talk and chill with Dana, Chris, and me.  We had a good time laughing about Dana’s various botched pickup lines and Chris’ general hilarity.

I’ll be back with you on Thursday night, as Jeff will be filling in for me on Monday.  He’s got his work cut out for himself this week, as he’ll be posting Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.  Wow, that’s pretty awful.  But, at least that’ll eat up four of his remaining nine or ten videos for the year!  I’m getting ramped-up for Christmas, as the tree (which is perfect) is up, the lights are on, and the presents are ready for wrapping.  Of course, I’m still busy with video jobs and the like, but we’ll make it.

Okay, have a great week and enjoy your quad-shot of Jeff coming right at ya!