“That Was The Day” (Jim Fusco Original Acoustic Rock Song)

As they say- one hand washes the other.  I helped Chris on Monday with his Sugar Ray video and tonight, he helped me with my original song, “That Was the Day”.  It’s truly a shame that it’s been this long here on the Laptop Sessions before we’ve done this original song.  I’d say, as unknown Jim Fusco original songs go, this is my most “famous”, as it’s been a staple in our live act and a fan-favorite for four years now.  Actually, I can’t believe it’s only been four years- hard to imagine a time when this song didn’t exist.

“That Was The Day” is a song written about the day I met my fiancee Becky.  I had a talk with Chris Moore about the “fact” that a perfect girl didn’t exist.  I said to him, “Well, if she does exist, I’m definitely going to take advantage of the situation.”  I’m not saying Becky is perfect- no one is- but, it was only a day or two after that conversation that I met her, and instantly knew she was the one.  It’s been over six years since that day.

This song just poured out of me one day- rarely in songwriting do I get so inspired and just get the whole tune, chorus, and middle sections out so quickly.  I knew that this would be my “single” for my current album of the time, “That’s All…”.  Of course, the song didn’t go anywhere, but whenever we play it live, I notice the heads looking up and noticing the band.  That’s always a good feeling.

In a hilarious note, I couldn’t walk for a full five minutes after this take.  Something about the way I was standing with one leg on a stool made my left hip just give out.  It felt like someone hit me with a crow bar!

In a completely unrelated note, Chris and I just got through watching the debate tonight between Obama and McCain.  We don’t get political on this blog (although I would bet good money that Chris, Jeff, and I are all on the same page…along with my family), but the debate tonight proved one thing I’ve been saying for a while.  Whether you’re a supporter of McCain or not, from my point of view, he just reminds me of a father giving you a lecture.  He reminds me of the old VFW guys that used to lecture us “kids” in Boy Scouts back in the day about how we didn’t have respect and how they should be treated better because of their age and their service to this country.  That may be true, but again, no one wants to hear it.  It comes across as crotchety and annoying.  I HATE being lectured to (or preached to, for that matter) and McCain literally makes me say, “Please change the channel” every two minutes.

Always one for consistency, Chris refused each time.  I only remembered at the end of the debate: “Hey, it’s MY television!”

Enjoy tonight’s original song and I hope you’ll come on back for great acoustic rock cover songs from Jeff and Chris over the next two days.  We’re excited to see America at the Wolf’s Den in Mohegan Sun on Saturday, so I have to make sure I post early!  But, I have at least two new bands coming up during my next three videos.  I can’t believe it myself, because it almost seems like there can’t be any more to do!  Which new bands are they?  You’ll just have to wait and see.  Until then…

“The Red, White, and Blues” (original Jim Fusco song)

By Jim Fusco:

Welcome to the Laptop Sessions’ Original Wednesday. I’m guessing some people will be new to the Laptop Sessions because of this original song video, and we welcome you aboard!

This song, a pun on the “Red, White, and Blue”, is my first and only “protest” type of song.

The song was written in early 2002 after 9/11 about the hypocritical actions of Americans automatically becoming “patriotic” as soon as a disaster hit. This original song is just me wondering why people weren’t just ALWAYS patriotic!

This song is still as relevant today, six years later, as it was when I wrote it. I even talk about Easter in the song (it was that time of year), and I thought this would be the perfect week to bust it out again.

Basically, I’m giving the point of view of an 18 year old kid (at the time) from Connecticut because all the hardship and fear seemed so distant from my everyday life at the time.

To say this song is still relevant today shows how stagnant the country’s been lately.  We still are fighting a never-ending war on terror and the patriotism of the country is waning once again.

Oh, and the verse about California: it’s in reference to when they didn’t have the Red-Carpet festivities for a big award show that year. I didn’t think that was helping anyone. Letting the terrorists know we’re scared? That’ll really help…

“The Red, White, and Blues” is from my double-album set, “That’s All…” that I released in 2003.  I say “double album” in a different way than you would normally think of it.  For instance, the Beatles came out with a double album with their “White Album” (simply titled, “The Beatles”) in 1968.  That album consisted of over 20 original songs and couldn’t fit on just one vinyl record.  For “That’s All…”, it’s a bit different.  You see, I had just gotten a guitar- my first real acoustic guitar, an Ibanez Artcore.  I instantly wanted to play everything on the acoustic guitar and quickly went to playing folk songs.  I even came up with a bunch of my own.  I thought a blues song like “The Red, White, and Blues” would be a perfect way to start off an album of folk songs.

But, I also had a bunch of original songs that I’d written in my normal rock’n’roll style, too.  So, I decided to record everything at once and split up the whole project into two original albums: “That’s All Folks”, which featured all of the folk songs I’d written, and “That’s All Jim” that featured all of my songwriting efforts in my normal style.  I put both albums on one CD, but each album had it’s own cover.  Plus, the combo-pack of both albums called “That’s All…” had it’s unique album cover!

I hope you all enjoy this original song music video. If you want to hear the original recorded version and buy the double-album online, you can go to my website: http://jimfusco.com/albums/thats_all.html