Announcing: The Launch of the Redesigned!

After weeks of work, Jim Fusco has completed his new website at!  This new site features all of Jim’s albums, new and old, plus his biography, videos, and much more!

The new site focuses on Jim’s music throughout the years and has a great new look- his signature counts as his new logo, plus there’s a great new set of photos that grace every page.  Plus, there’s some cool interactive features, as each time you load a page, a random different photo appears, and a different quote about Jim shows-up in the header bar.  You’ll also see links to Jim’s new Facebook fan page and his popular YouTube channel.

Updates were also made accordingly to the Masters of the Universe tribute page at  You’ll notice that there is no longer a formal store, but a simple PayPal shopping cart.  Jim hopes this new design will make his site more appealing to new fans and ones that have loved his music for the past nine years.

Now that this project is complete, Jim is moving-on to songwriting again, so expect some great announcements about a new album in the coming months!

Local Songwriters Excited – The New FMP Studios Site is Nearing Completion!

By Jim Fusco:

So, maybe some of you have wondered why nothing comes up when you click on the “FMP Studios” link in that pretty top bar we have on all our sites. Kids, let me give you this piece of advice: NEVER let your links go to a non-existent page! It gets customers angry and frustrated, plus it looks REALLY unprofessional.

So, I’ve decided to hole Cliff up in my basement treat him to breakfast tomorrow in an effort to jump start his work on the Studios site. If, by some act of God, we can get it back in my hands soon (because there’s a lot of tedious Flash animations to be done), I can dump the content in and we can get it online by Monday.

What IS FMP Studios, you ask?

Well, it is a goal of mine to eventually open my own studio. I mean, I have one here at the condo, but I need a place of business- a place where clients can come and I can “go to work”. Having it at home just doesn’t have that effect.

I’ll be offering six different services: Audio, Video, Web, Graphics, Photos, and Marketing. I can’t wait for the site to go up because I’ve already done SO many projects and this will be my chance to show them off, while hopefully getting some new clients in the process. Plus, I’ll be able to work with good friends and excellent talents like Cliff Huizenga and Dana Camp much more often.

Now, this site will be COOL and I guarantee it’s NOTHING like any site you’ve ever seen before. I got the idea while I was trying to fall asleep last night and it took me HOURS to get this done in Photoshop, but it’s finally ready. Remember, this site will have many rollover buttons and animations, so what you’re seeing is truly only the tip of the iceberg.

So, without further ado, I give you the design for the brand-new Fusco-Moore Studios!

Fusco-Moore Studios site preview

A Link to our Video Blog on Brian Wilson’s Official Site!!

By Jim Fusco:

If you know me, you know this is big news: Michael, the Admin for Brian Wilson’s Official Website, put a link to the homepage there to showcase the Brian Wilson/Beach Boys videos!

And below is a screenshot of the page- look at where my link is placed- right below his BAND MEMBERS! 🙂 Of course, I blew up the description of my link so it could be seen easier. Thanks to Michael and everyone for making this such a beneficial project!

Jim’s link on Brian Wilson’s site!

The New Jim Fusco Songwriter Site – Design Prototype!

By Jim Fusco:

Hello all! Well, I mentioned earlier about the new site we’re planning to unveil soon. I wanted to post my original Photoshop mockup of the design so everyone can compare it to the real version that Cliff will make so much better. Let’s just say I’m giving him “creative control”…

Here’s the design- hope you all like it!

New Fusco-Moore Music site design prototype