“Suzanne” (Leonard Cohen Cover)

By Chris Moore:

Hi all!  I’m coming to you tonight on time for once, well before the midnight mark on my day to record an acoustic cover song music video.  Yes, it’s just after 5:00pm.  Now, you may be wondering, what act of God has caused Chris to post on time for once?

Well, the answer is quite simple.

I’m on my way out with Jim and Becky to follow up on an invitation from his cousin Sarah to have a holiday get-together.  I don’t know what that exactly entails, but I DO know that we will be watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.  That’s just what I need to jump-start this Christmas.  It’s been kind of difficult to get into the spirit of the season for a couple reasons.  Even our perfectly symmetrical (with only a little work from Jim with his hacksaw) Christmas tree hasn’t brought the Christmas spirit into my soul.

So, what better way to fix that problem than to watch one of my favorite yuletide films?

Also, I keep forgetting to grab my Christmas CDs from the shelf, so I haven’t been listening to holiday music.  I can’t wait to break out the Moody Blues, Beach Boys, Brian Wilson, Barenaked Ladies, and America albums.  And, I didn’t mean to at first, but I pretty much listed them in order from my absolute favorites to my favorites.

Okay, I’m rushing this post because we really have to go.  I’m — big surprise — the only thing making us late right now, so it’s time to end this cheesy un-proofread post with a simple final paragraph…

This is my cover song version of Leonard Cohen’s classic sixties acoustic song “Suzanne.”  I’ve been listening to the 30 song PLUS “essential” Leonard Cohen songs the past two weeks, and this is certainly one of my favorites.  This song and the one I recorded a couple sessions ago, “No Way to Say Goodbye,” are so different from his later sound, but there’s plenty more Laptop Sessions left…  I’ll probably cover “Ain’t No Cure for Love” among others in the future.

For now, though, enjoy this early Leonard Cohen song and I’ll see you next session!