“Stage Fright” (The Band Cover)

By Chris Moore:

I’m proud to present the first in a week-long event here at https://guitarbucketlist.com entitled “Title Tracks Week”!! Each day this week, we’ll unveil a new session devoted to a song whose title is the same as the album it was on. For instance, I chose a song from the Band’s 1970 album Stage Fright called — well, you may have guessed it already — “Stage Fright.”

This is an interesting song to me, as I’ve heard and read rumors over the years that this song was written by the Band’s Robbie Robertson in reference to Bob Dylan. If anyone would know, it would be someone like Robertson, who has played many shows with Dylan over the years, most often as his lead guitarist. (He’s particularly well-known for being the electric guitarist that powered Dylan’s sound in the mid-60s, when he first “went electric.”)

For anyone who’s seen Dylan play on stage, it does make sense that he might suffer from a form of stage fright…

So, without further ado, here’s the first of seven title tracks this week — even Original Wednesday this week will be a title track. I hope you’ll check back tomorrow for Jeff’s installment!

See you next session!

“The River” (Bruce Springsteen Cover)

By Federico Borluzzi:

Acoustic cover of Bruce Springsteen’s “The River,” from the homonym 1980 album. Played with acoustic guitar and harmonica in the key of G.


It’s been a while since we’ve hosted a Guest Session, so it is with great pleasure that I give you a Federico Borluzzi cover song music video this Friday.  He is one of our most consistently excellent guest artists and is certainly the most prolific, and he’s gone to the Boss’ first number one album for this week’s selection.

I’m always excited to see harmonica in a video, and it makes me want to break out my own on a future video…

With that said, I’ll let the video speak for itself.  (And I’ll admit, hesitantly, that I’ve never listened to The River.  I picked it up a while back, and after hearing Federico’s selection from it, I’ll be listening to it this afternoon.)

Happy Friday to all, and hurry back for more new material this weekend!

“Halfway There” (Jim Fusco Original Song)

By Jim Fusco:

Yes, that’s right- a world premiere tonight here on the Laptop Sessions music video blog!

In just a couple short months (or maybe sooner- who knows), I’ll be releasing my first solo album in four years.  I can’t believe it’s been that long.  And, with the production value and songwriting skills, you’ll realize that I’ve grown in many ways over that time.  I’ve seen a band come and (essentially) go in that time.  I’ve produced and written songs for two albums while in that band.  “Homestead’s Revenge” is truly a great album and I can only hope that “Halfway There” can top it.

I hope to create some sort of buzz for the new album.  I spent so long making it and I’m so proud of it that I wanted to wait until the Laptop Sessions got popular to release it.  Maybe now, my collegues here on the site will realize why I’ve been pushing them so hard to find better avenues for popularity here on the music video blog…

This song, “Halfway There”, is obviously the title track, but it doesn’t appear until track 10 on the 11 track album.  It’s funny- my last album was 13 tracks and this new album is longer with two fewer songs!  The songs on this album are well-thought-out and complete.  The songs on this album take their time and don’t sound too rushed.  The songs on this album are the songs I always knew I could make, but never really had the time or the resources to complete.  You can see why I’m so proud of it!

Of course, this album has a theme.  When you see the album cover, which is awesome, by the way, you’ll get more of the theme’s meaning.  I’m having a great painter named Ben Quesnel paint the cover.  In exchange, I’ll be making him a website for all of his artististic work.  It’s a great trade-off and I know we’ll both be very happy in the end.

Tonight’s song really sums-up the whole concept of feeling “Halfway There”, hence it’s place towards the end of the album.  I give examples of what I’m trying to say throughout the album and finally give it a nice summary towards the end.

The tune came to me while driving back home after our usual trip to my parents’ house on Thursday nights for TNA iMPACT! on Spike TV.  I knew the title of the album long before I wrote this song.  Thinking of the album and its title, I started to sing to myself in the car: “Halfway there…halfway there…halfway there…I’ll always be halfway there…”  I proceeded to drive home much faster than usual and fleshed-out the song a bit more.

Actually, I made a YouTube video of how I developed this song- here it is below.  Then, you can watch tonight’s Laptop Session Original Wednesday version and get a better feel for the finished product.

Of course, the REAL finished product has literally ten of my vocals on the chorus- it sounds so cool!  Again, I finally have the techniques and everything down to make productions like this possible…and sound good, too!  But, for now, I hope you’ll enjoy the first newly-released track off of my upcoming album, “Halfway There” on acoustic guitar for tonight’s Original Wednesday music video.  I’ll be back for my next Jim Fusco Tuesday installment next week and I hope you will be, too!

“All Things Must Pass” (George Harrison Cover)

By Jim Fusco:

Hello everyone and welcome to my first installment of “Title Track Week” here at The Laptop Sessions! Chris and Jeff have already put forth two strong efforts, so I had to follow suit. I have such a list of songs to add to the Sessions, but I can’t seem to sit myself down to do a few lately. Don’t have much choice come Friday!

Tonight, I bring you the title track of the most successful post-Beatles solo album from one of the group’s members: “All Things Must Pass”. This is a great album, of course, and expect to hear many songs from this one in the future.

This is a great song that has a very insightful message, especially considering that George is now passed. We actually played this song in tribute to him on one of our radio shows over at WCJM.com Free Internet Radio.

This video was done a bit differently- I used my new ZOOM H2 microphone, which is really awesome, to record the audio. It came out great, but unfortunately became kind of a big project because the H2 wouldn’t properly connect to my Macbook. I hoped to do all of my Sessions with this microphone from now on, but the Mac doesn’t give the option to use the internal camera’s video and the ZOOM’s audio. Of course, you know I’ll keep trying to find a solution…

I hope you enjoy today’s Session and come back to https://guitarbucketlist.com tomorrow for another great “Original Wednesday” video from Chris Moore!