Jim’s Most Interesting Week Ever

Yes, this is proving to be one of the most interesting weeks of my life. In fact, I think it will be THE most interesting week by far! In lieu of doing a video tonight, I thought I would comment (ala Jeff) about my goings-on. Hopefully I’ll be able to record a video tonight and then I’m planning on having some very special audio-only sessions for the two weeks I’m away.

Why am I away? Well, we can’t get there just yet. Let’s start here:

My fiancée and I recently purchased a new home. And by new, I mean just a piece of land! We went through the mortgage process (which is very tedious) and have finally come out okay on the other end. After all the deposits and fees, we’re ready to go.

So, this week, we met with the builder to pick out everything in the house- the siding, the shutters, the options, the cabinets, etc. It was difficult to make all those decisions (especially when we didn’t exactly agree on a lot of the stuff), but it was pretty fun to customize the house like that. This place is going to rock!!

Now, we have to meet with the builder and all the real estate agents on Wednesday for a pre-construction meeting. This should finalize and solidify everything. They’ll be able to break ground this week! By the time I get back, the foundation should be up and they’ll be ready to start framing the house! What a thing to come home to.

Also this week, I’m holding very private “sessions” that will be the fruit of my secret audio-only Sessions for the next two weeks. Sorry, but I have to be cryptic about this one.

Now, I’m still working, mind you. I work 40 hours a week and I’m working right up to Friday afternoon. Every night this week, I’m also working hard to edit a wedding video and hopefully get some other freelance work done.

Oh, and I forgot to mention: I’M GETTING MARRIED THIS WEEKEND!

So, we have our rehearsal on Friday and the wedding is on Saturday morning. Of course, my fiancée is going nuts running around and getting everything ready. Thankfully, she isn’t working this week, but even still, it’s a lot to do. I’ve been handling the house stuff and she’s been doing all the wedding stuff. I think I got the better end of the deal.

There’s so many more things to it than what I mentioning. Things that you don’t think about until it’s all too much to handle. I mean, we had to pick up the tuxedo, print programs for the church, etc. And, early next week is my father’s birthday- thankfully, I remembered to buy a present last week!

Then, on Tuesday, we leave for sunny Hawaii and I won’t be back until August 9th. Obviously, we’re extremely excited about it and it should be a great, relaxing time. I just can’t wait to lay on that beach and soak up the sun. It’s a place I’ve always wanted to go and Becky really deserves this trip.

So, again, a recap of events this week (keep in mind that I’m working 8:30 to 5:30 each day, as well!):

Monday: Met with builder to pick out stuff for the house
Tuesday: Tuxedo and secret “sessions”
Wednesday: Meet with builder for pre-construction meeting
Thursday: More secret “sessions” and secret “preparations”, plus our weekly dose of TNA iMPACT!
Friday: Rehearsal at 5:00 (working till 3:00) and rehearsal dinner at 6:30
Saturday: Ceremony at 11:30 and reception until 6:30, then off to Presidential Suite at hotel in Hamden for a couple of nights
Tuesday: Leave at 7 am for Hawaii!!

With that said, including the fact that I need to finish editing this wedding tonight and do web work, I’ll still try to get that video done. Talk to you then!

“Wouldn’t It Be Nice” (Beach Boys Cover)

Welcome to another edition of The Laptop Sessions here on “Track 1 Week”!  That’s where the singers, songwriters, and musicians of the Laptop Sessions acoustic cover songs music video blog pick a song that started off an album (thus “Track One”) and covered it for the best music blog on the internet!

Today, I give you one of the best album-opening songs to one of the best albums of all time: Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys!  And, if you know me, you know that doing Beach Boys cover songs is one of my favorite things to do!

“Wouldn’t It Be Nice” is also a favorite song of Chris Moore and Becky Daly, two fellow MoU members.  We never attempted to do this song in concert, though I think we should’ve given it a shot.  I think with all of the production that the original version had, it’s daunting to try and recreate it live.  The members of Brian Wilson’s incredible touring band do that on each and every tour, but they have about 12 people on stage at one time.  When it’s just five people, that task gets a little harder for sure.  But, knowing the chords and the changes (and frankly, how well my cover video came out), I think we could’ve pulled it off as a band.

Tomorrow night, The Laptop Sessions Live plays a three-hour set at George’s II Restaurant in Wallingford, CT. We’re very excited and it oughta be an amazing event. I hope to record the audio for future release.  There’s sure to be mostly original songs, but some of our favorite covers.  You’ll hear plenty from the Beach Boys, Bob Dylan, the Wallflowers, and I’m sure we’ll sprinkle some Beatles cover songs in there, too!

I hope you’ll come back tomorrow for another album-starter from Chris Moore and check out Jeff’s last two videos, as well- they were great!

“Slip On Through” (Beach Boys Cover)

By Jim Fusco:

Welcome to day two of “Track 1” week here at the Laptop Sessions! This week, Chris, Jeff, and I (plus a possible new special guest) will be bringing you our favorite album-starters! This is the second in a series of specialty weeks to come. We’ll be doing “Title Track Week” soon, plus an album closer week, and another new bands week very soon!

This particular week is pretty big for me- but to find out why, you’ll have to visit the Blog at https://guitarbucketlist.com and read my entry that will appear in the next few days- trust me, it’s worth the click!

Today, I bring you the first of TWO Beach Boys songs because I haven’t done one for a couple weeks. Actually, this just kinda fell into place- I was going to do “Slip On Through” anyway (track 1 off of my favorite album, “Sunflower”), and it just fit into this week, so here it is!

I’m also happy to finally be doing a Dennis Wilson song here on the Sessions. We’re all anxiously awaiting Dennis’ “Pacific Ocean Blue” and “Bambu” collection to come out next month, and you better believe there will be Sessions done from those albums! We’ve had POB for years now and I’ve been itching to do a song from it.

Like I said, “Sunflower” is probably my favorite Beach Boys album (besides my guilty pleasure: the 1985 album), so ANY requests from this one will be fulfilled.

I’ll be back on Thursday with yet another amazing Beach Boys album starter: “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” from everyone’s favorite, “Pet Sounds”!! It’ll be my first Pet Sounds Session and I’m very proud of how it came out. See you then, but make sure to check out Chris’ first entry for “Track 1 Week” on https://guitarbucketlist.com!