“Tryin’ To Get To Heaven” (Bob Dylan Cover)

By Chris Moore:

Welcome to another Laptop Session! I had such a good time recording “Love Sick” for my last post, that I decided to do another song from Bob Dylan’s Time Out of Mind. Ironically, shortly after the album came out, Dylan had a near-death experience after he contracted an infection of some sort. And, oh yes, the headlines followed quickly. “Dylan ‘Tryin’ to Get to Heaven’?” and so forth. They were predictably cheesy, but I suppose the journalists found them irresistible…

Speaking of headlines, it sounds like Jeff and Jim are going to be making headlines soon with Jeff’s new EP and Jim’s album Halfway There. I haven’t written any songs since the summer, and even though I have three other projects I’m finishing off, chipping away at, and envisioning (respectively), I’m going to be very jealous of these projects! In a good way, too — that’s how we writers work, I suppose. Anyway, I wish both of my Laptop Session colleagues the best and offer my services. Jeff: If you need an electrifying guitar solo… definitely go to Jim, that’s definitely out of my league. And Jim: If you need another drummer to mix things up… you can just give Jeff a call, since I’m still on page one of my “Drumming for Idiots” guide. lol Seriously, I’m looking forward to both projects.

Check back in a few days for my next post, and I’ll share some more about my upcoming contribution to the guitarbucketlist.com/Fusco-Moore.com UNIVERSE!

This is one in a series of acoustic cover songs, original music, and free mp3 downloads here on the Laptop Sessions Music Video Blog.

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