Video Blog Site Update: Fusco-Moore Studios is HERE!

By Jim Fusco:

Hello everyone! I just wanted to post that my grueling and long days of work have finally paid off, and now Fusco-Moore Studios is here! You can click HERE or always get to it on the link in the top bar, which is atop ALL the Fusco-Moore pages.

This site now offers my many multimedia services to the world- as you can tell with the products we put out all the time, you know the quality is top-notch. But, what sets us apart from other studios is our INCREDIBLY low prices and fast turnaround times!

So if you know of anyone in need of video, audio, marketing, graphics, web, and photo work done, you’ll know where to send them! Check out the page now and I’d love to hear what everyone thinks.


This is one in a series of acoustic cover songs, original music, and free mp3 downloads here on the Laptop Sessions Music Video Blog.

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