Ask the Musician: “Do You Record Video & Audio Together on Your Acoustic Music Videos?”

By Jim Fusco:

Well, back earlier than expected for another edition of “Ask the Musician” with me, Jim Fusco!  If you’ve never seen this column before, let me give you a brief introduction.  I’m Jim Fusco of the Laptop Sessions acoustic cover songs and original music video series on YouTube and on our blog here at  Every day, I get thousands of views on my cover songs and original music videos on YouTube.  With that popularity comes some great questions from people all around the world.  They want to know technical questions, music theory, and other great general music tidbits.  I’ve completely submerged myself into making music these past few years and I’m happy to share what I’ve learned- hundreds and hundreds of hours reading, researching, playing, writing, singing, and recording.  I’m glad to answer these questions here on “Ask the Musician”!

Tonight, we have an email from christianamagic on YouTube.  She writes:

Hi.  Just wanna ask. So when you record song, do you only record the audio? or record both audio and video??
and what did you use to edit it all together? Thanks

Well, that’s a good question.  She’s asking about the acoustic music videos I perform on YouTube.  You know, sometimes I’ve considered going back and recording the audio over the video to make a better take, but I can never bring myself to do it.  To answer your question: I record the audio and video at the same time!

That’s not to say that I don’t have to tinker with it sometimes.  I remember on a Ben Folds song, “Time”, I recorded the video with the microphone facing backwards!  So, you could hear a LOT of piano and a little of my voice.  Well, I had recorded this in a remote location, so I couldn’t go back and re-record the video.  My solution was to work some EQ magic.  I brought out the vocals in the mix.  It’s not perfect, but it made due for the video.  I guess I could’ve gone back and re-did the audio, but believe me, that would be much more of a burden than it seems.  Imagine syncing the vocals up perfectly to a live performance like that?

For hardware, I use a ZOOM H2 microphone that plugs into USB.  This thing is great.  I used to use the built-in microphone on my Macbook laptop.  It’s actually a pretty decent condenser microphone, but my computer’s fan would run so much (and SO loudly), that I had to think of a better solution.  Sometimes, you’d hear more fan than song!  So now, I keep the microphone close to me (and only turn the front mics on as to not hear the fan noise behind it) and record on the laptop.  For ease of production, I use iMovie to edit the video and audio.  If I didn’t do so many videos, I might use Final Cut Pro, but even still, it’s nice to have a simple solution to get the song out there in a nice neat package.

I hope this helps and answers your question.  Just like Peter Griffin’s advice on Family Guy is “To grow a beard,” my advice to you here is, “To get a Mac!”  It’ll make your life a lot easier when putting music videos on YouTube.

Submit your question to and comment below to tell us how you record your videos!

Video Blog Site Update: Fusco-Moore Studios is HERE!

By Jim Fusco:

Hello everyone! I just wanted to post that my grueling and long days of work have finally paid off, and now Fusco-Moore Studios is here! You can click HERE or always get to it on the link in the top bar, which is atop ALL the Fusco-Moore pages.

This site now offers my many multimedia services to the world- as you can tell with the products we put out all the time, you know the quality is top-notch. But, what sets us apart from other studios is our INCREDIBLY low prices and fast turnaround times!

So if you know of anyone in need of video, audio, marketing, graphics, web, and photo work done, you’ll know where to send them! Check out the page now and I’d love to hear what everyone thinks.


Local Songwriters Excited – The New FMP Studios Site is Nearing Completion!

By Jim Fusco:

So, maybe some of you have wondered why nothing comes up when you click on the “FMP Studios” link in that pretty top bar we have on all our sites. Kids, let me give you this piece of advice: NEVER let your links go to a non-existent page! It gets customers angry and frustrated, plus it looks REALLY unprofessional.

So, I’ve decided to hole Cliff up in my basement treat him to breakfast tomorrow in an effort to jump start his work on the Studios site. If, by some act of God, we can get it back in my hands soon (because there’s a lot of tedious Flash animations to be done), I can dump the content in and we can get it online by Monday.

What IS FMP Studios, you ask?

Well, it is a goal of mine to eventually open my own studio. I mean, I have one here at the condo, but I need a place of business- a place where clients can come and I can “go to work”. Having it at home just doesn’t have that effect.

I’ll be offering six different services: Audio, Video, Web, Graphics, Photos, and Marketing. I can’t wait for the site to go up because I’ve already done SO many projects and this will be my chance to show them off, while hopefully getting some new clients in the process. Plus, I’ll be able to work with good friends and excellent talents like Cliff Huizenga and Dana Camp much more often.

Now, this site will be COOL and I guarantee it’s NOTHING like any site you’ve ever seen before. I got the idea while I was trying to fall asleep last night and it took me HOURS to get this done in Photoshop, but it’s finally ready. Remember, this site will have many rollover buttons and animations, so what you’re seeing is truly only the tip of the iceberg.

So, without further ado, I give you the design for the brand-new Fusco-Moore Studios!

Fusco-Moore Studios site preview