“(Marie’s The Name Of) His Latest Flame” (Elvis Presley cover)

By Jim Fusco:

Welcome to The Laptop Sessions with me, Jim Fusco!  I’m glad to be back with another acoustic cover song music video for you to enjoy.  Tonight, I go back about fifty years and bring you Elvis Presley’s classic song, “His Latest Flame”.  It’s a cool tune with a great beat.  I love the bossa nova style used in the original recording.  Of course, this video is just me and my guitar.  But, I think it still captures the essence of the song.  This song requires a lot of energy and I hope that shows in this cover song video.

“His Latest Flame” was written by the songwriting pair of Doc Pomus and Mort Shuman (you may remember the mention of their names in Ben Folds & Nick Hornsby’s “Lonely Avenue”).  This song went all the way up to #4 on the Billboard charts.  And clocking in just over two minutes, they proved that a catchy number, no matter the length, can be a big hit.

One thing I thought was interesting was the Del Shannon (of “Runaway” fame) originally recorded this song.  Of course, his version wasn’t the hit.  I imagine that happened to many artists once Elvis got a hold of a song.  I, for one, would be pretty intimidated if Elvis Presley picked a song I had already recorded and made it his own.  I think that would spell the end of the original version and the beginning of Elvis’ sure-fire hit in the late 50s and early 60s.

Of course, my cover version of “His Latest Flame” sounds its best because of my Martin MMV acoustic guitar.  It’s just so clear and powerful- it makes anything I play sound better.  I hope that my cover version helps keep this song alive for years to come and introduces it to a new generation of potential Elvis (and early rock’n’roll) fans.

On a side note, I’m still getting used to editing my Laptop Sessions cover song music videos with Final Cut Pro X.  It’s really a pain in the neck and many of the functions just seem purposefully “dumbed-down” to make it easier to use.  The problem is that it literally took me an hour searching online to find out how to fade in the video.  Geesh!  Plus, there’s a little skip in the audio at the end- I’m not sure why that happened, but there’s no way to fix it.  Also, there’s a few seconds of black at the end- not sure how it got there or how to fix that in the future.  But when the video takes literally HOURS to render at full 1080p high-definition resolution, I really only get one shot at it to get it right.

Finally for tonight, I wanted to mention the progress of my brand-new album, “Those Around Us”.  It’s all recorded and mixed.  Now, it’s in the loving hands of a mastering company.  If everything turns out as well as I hope it does, I’ll be posting praise for that company soon enough- I just want to make sure first. 🙂  Anyway, it’s an album of 12 original songs.  It’s 95% me, but there are a couple of nice collaborations on there.  As you’ll hear once it’s released, it’s by far and away the finest work I’ve done so far.  Every song is crafted with love and care down to each minute detail.  The songs aren’t overproduced, but they don’t sound sparse, either.  The vocals, now that I have a great Shure condenser microphone, are clear and pitch-perfect.  I’m not tooting my own horn there- I spent countless hours making sure the timbre of my voice was correct on each harmony track.  Also, the instruments really sound great.  I utilized a sampled Wurlitzer electric piano (used in such hits as “Joy To The World” among many, many others) and this album features a real drum kit.  Also, I have a vast array of different guitars, ranging from a 12-string electric to a lap steel.  The variation of sounds makes each track on this album sound fresh and different- no two tracks have the same instrument setup.  To me, that’s the mark of a diverse and interesting album.

I’ll be releasing more information on the album in the next few weeks.  I’m hoping to get the album cover firmed-up soon and will hopefully get to post an in-depth look at how it was created.  In the meantime, I’ll be back in two weeks with my next Laptop Sessions acoustic cover song music video.  I’d love to read comments both here on the music blog and on YouTube.  Take care and I’ll see you in two weeks.  Enjoy “(Marie’s the Name of) His Latest Flame”!

“Blue Christmas” (Elvis Presley acoustic Christmas cover song)

By Jim Fusco:

Welcome, welcome to another edition of the Laptop Sessions in high definition!  Tonight, I bring you the second video from last week’s recording session.  This one is truly a classic off of one of my favorite all-time albums: Elvis Presley’s 1957 Christmas Album.

“Blue Christmas” is a song everyone knows.  And, I’m pretty sure that with tonight’s recording, that every single musician in the last 50 years has recorded a version of it.  I happen to do mine in Elvis’ style, but I love Brian Wilson’s version on the Beach Boys Christmas Album, too.  But, while Brian’s version is sad and melancholy, Elvis gives this song so much raw soul.  It’s his “uh-huh” singing at its best and is on my list of “perfect recordings”.  Those are the songs (like, for instance, the Beach Boys’ “God Only Knows”) that couldn’t be any better- just the perfect blend of instrumentation, songwriting style, vocals, etc.

Of course, “Blue Christmas” was even recorded earlier than Elvis’s version- as early as 1948!  But, Elvis made it a rock song and that’s the version that everyone knows.

I got to use my colleague Noreen’s 12-string Gibson acoustic from 1967 on this one- what a great sound!  It was so much fun to play.  When you’re using that guitar in a room with good acoustics, you feel like you’re a one man band.  I’m loving this new setup.  And, this week’s video was much easier to edit- literally took just a minute until it was rendering.  It’s such a nice feeling to get something done right the first time.

On a personal note, things have never been busier.  Whether it’s decorating the house, going shopping, cooking, working, etc. I’m never just sitting and relaxing.  I have a feeling it’s going to be like this until after the New Year, but I tell ya- I need some more sleep!  I’m looking forward to a couple of work parties, a couple of get-togethers at the new house, and general Christmas cheer.

If you haven’t done it yet, head on over to WCJM Free Internet Radio at wcjm.com and click on the Moore Hits in the Morning radio in the center of the screen.  You’ll then be taken to all of our radio shows that you can listen to absolutely free- click on any of the numerous Christmas shows and get ready to laugh!  They’re really entertaining and I listen to each of them at least twice each Christmas season to get me in that yuletide mood.

Okay, off to bed now- make sure to keep checking back this week for more great articles and videos from the Only Music Blog- The Laptop Sessions!

“Are You Lonesome Tonight?” (Elvis Presley Cover)

By Jim Fusco:

Well, are you? 😉

I hope not, but if you are, I hope this video brings you some comfort and company on this Spring evening.  Tonight, I bring to you one of my favorite Elvis Presley songs in “Are You Lonesome Tonight?”.  This tune is a slow one, but has so much feeling in both the lyrics and the way Elvis sings it.  I love the major D chord to the minor D chord progression and the way the song builds up at times.  This song is truly a sad one- it says everything that needs to be said and is so simple that you know Elvis was the first to bring this style of music to rock’n’roll.

I’ve been working on this one for many, many months now.  I just had to learn that poem in the middle.  You never would realize how difficult it is to play the guitar, keep in time, keep your place in the song, and say the correct lines at the correct times.  So, seeing how difficult this would be, I pushed it aside for so many other songs over the past few months.

I’ve since run low on my “need to do NOW” list, so this one came back up.  I decided tonight was the right time.  Actually, I’ll be broadening my horizons with many exciting new songs in the near future, as tomorrow night, I’ll be getting my brand new car!!  Well, it’s not exactly “new”, but it’s new to me.  I’m inheriting my mother’s Chrysler Concorde and I’m so excited about it.  I’ve always loved this car and even though it’s nine years old, you’d never know it.  It was always kept in the garage and only has about 60k miles on it.  The best part is that my brother Mike got me a brand-new stereo installed for my birthday!  So now, I can hook up my iPod and listen whereever I go.  Plus, since it’s a digital hookup, everything will finally sound right coming out of the speakers- everything always sounded so tinny in my last system.

It’s been a long couple of nights with working both night and day.  All in the name of progress, I suppose.  I’m looking forward to getting my newest baby- my Dean Boca 12-string electric guitar!!!  I got an incredible deal on Musicians Friend and saved 20% off the price.  I’ll finally get that 12-string electric sound I’ve loved for so many years.  Look for some Byrds songs in the near future!  I’ll post photos of me with my new guitar after I get it this Friday.

Okay, back to work for me, but at least I have two big things to look forward to this week!  It’s going to be non-stop for the next, oh I’d say two-plus months, but you know I’ll be keeping up with the Laptop Sessions through it all.  It’s the greatest way I can chronicle my life and keep the music dream alive.  Until next Tuesday!

“Burning Love” (Elvis Presley Cover)

By Jim Fusco:

It’s just a hunka-hunka-burnin’-cover-song tonight on the Laptop Sessions!

Oh, yes, the Session-a-day project is winding down, but the energy still lives on in this acoustic cover song video, as I deliver one of my new favorite videos. I thought of doing this song a while ago, but never got around to it. Tonight, I needed something that would give me a “Sunday night spark”, as I’m usually pretty laid-back on Sunday nights.

This weekend was crazy. I had a work party on Friday (where I finally got to meet Dr. Perricone), came home and slept for three hours, woke up and went to see my good friend Matt Griffiths’ directing job on a one-act play at Southern Connecticut State University, went out to SBC Brewery for dinner with Becky and Danielle, came home and stayed up video editing (and hanging out with Chris and Dana) all the way till 7:30 am (!!!), waking up at 11:45 to go to our weekly “Luncho Marx” with my father at Burger King, driving down to my cousin Lou’s house in Branford to drop off my wedding video edits, coming back to do a bit of shopping, going to see “Quantum of Solace” (which was good) with Chris, leaving right from there to go to another Christmas party, came home to practice some Christmas songs and sleep, woke up to pack the car and drive an hour to another Christmas party (where I played Santa Claus and played Christmas songs with Chris and Becky), and finally came home after usual Sunday dinner at my parents’ house.

Yikes- what a sentance!

Anyway, I finally got a chance to sit down when I remembered that it was my night to post a cover song video here on the blog! And, since this blog is a true musical lifeline for me, I was all too happy to do it. This is almost my 150th music video and I’m so proud of the work we’ve done here on the best music video blog online!

Tonight’s song is an Elvis tune from the early 70s. I remember my father telling me that this song was an Elvis comeback of sorts because he returned to rock’n’roll after years of awful lounge-singing. I think The King’s story is truly one of most tragic in all of pop culture. He was the Britney Spears of his day. “Burning Love” was a huge hit, but sadly, this did not stop Elvis on his decline and he never came out with such a rockin’ single for the rest of his life.

I think the best part about this song is just how classic it sounds. He got the Jordanaires back to sing backup, the song has a great beat, and it really highlights Elvis letting loose on the vocals, especially at the end.

It’s also an incredibly easy song to play. If you can play D-G-A-Bm, you’re all set. Just husk-up that voice and get your best Elvis impression going. Actually, we recorded the performance today of Christmas song, so I may post it, depending on how good it came out. On that, I got to do a couple of Elvis Christmas songs, which have to be my all-time favorites. The only other contender is the Beach Boys Christmas album. Although, in the past few years, there have been some AMAZING Christmas offerings from the likes of Ringo Starr, Brian Wilson, Barenaked Ladies, America, and the Moody Blues. I cherish these albums as new classics every single year.

I’ll be back for an Original Wednesday that’s so good, it’s like “Your Secret Santa decided to ignore the spending limit but you didn’t and he’s not mad” good! 🙂 Wow, I’m way too proud of that one right now- I’m laughing out loud.

Have a great night and we’ll see you back here after two amazing new Sessions from Chris and Jeff!