“Please Come Home For Christmas” by Jim Fusco – FREE mp3 Download! – Day 7 of 14

By Jim Fusco:

Halfway home, folks!  I can’t believe it’s been a full week of releasing these Christmas songs.  I’ll admit, I actually just finished recording the album a few minutes ago, as I still had some guitar work to do.  Just another session of mixing and everything will be complete.  But, it’s like teaching- as long as you’re one page ahead of the students…

I bring you “Please Come Home For Christmas” in the style of The Eagles today, by request from my mom.  She loves the Laptop Sessions version we did a few years ago.  Now, I have to toot my own horn here and say that this newly recorded studio version sounds almost exactly like the original!  I worked very hard to get the correct sounds on the guitar, including the chorus sound on the arpeggiated guitar.

Tomorrow, we start week number two, so please keep coming back to download your free copy of all of these songs!  I hope you like “Please Come Home For Christmas” and see you tomorrow!

Bob Dylan FREE mp3! – “Beyond Here Lies Nothin'” from his forthcoming album, Together Through Life!

For the lyrics, chords, and cover song music video, CLICK HERE!

By Chris Moore:

Hurry!  Don’t wait!  There’s only three more hours to surf over to bobdylan.com and download the free mp3 of the new Dylan song “Beyond Here Lies Nothin.'”  It’s track one off of the upcoming release of Together Through Life, an album that will hit the shelves on Tuesday, April 28th, 2009.

When I woke up this morning to an email from Bob Dylan’s official website, I was pretty excited.  After all, this is a sneak peak at the album a full month before I thought I would hear any of the new songs.  Of course, there are other ways to find previews, such as searching YouTube for live versions of the new songs.

But I’d rather wait and be surprised.

The best part of this track is that, as the first song on the album, “Beyond Here Lies Nothin'” will be the first song you hear on the new album when you put the CD in (or download the album), then the rest of the songs will be brand new.  If it were track five, for instance, you would listen to several new songs and then come across a song you know before getting back to more new ones.

Anyway, get yourself over to bobdylan.com and check this song out before it’s too late.  This is a deal that only comes around for 24 hours…  Well, until April 28th, of course!

“Rhino Skin” (Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers Cover)

By Chris Moore:

Hello and welcome to another all-new Laptop Session! Today is a special treat for me, as I’ve finally summoned up the courage to sing one of my favorite Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers songs. Is it a classic like “Free Fallin'”? Well, maybe not. Is it a great album cut like “A Woman in Love (It’s Not Me)”? Um, no, but I’ll probably cover that one in the future.

This is my version of “Rhino Skin” off of the 1999 Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers album Echo. I’ve covered the title track previously (click here to listen!), and I had so much fun doing it (and such a response — it’s my #3 most viewed video!!) that I had to record another one from this album.

As a final note, I’m eagerly awaiting the April 29th release of Mudcrutch, the self-titled debut from Tom Petty’s recently-reformed high school band. I can’t wait!!

For now, though, I’ll look forward to the more instant gratification of the “session-a-day” project at www.guitarbucketlist.com … Be sure to check back tomorrow for a brand new video from Jeff!

See you next session!

Download the FREE “Those Around Us” Bonus Tracks iTunes Album Now!

By Jim Fusco:

Often in an album, it’s tough to realize all of the things happening in the background.  Brian Wilson once famously claimed that if you listen to “Pet Sounds” on headphones in the dark, you’d be able to hear each and every instrument & vocal part.  And he did that album in mono!  Well, I know many of you won’t be listening to my music alone in the dark anytime soon, so I’ve come up with the next best thing:

Tonight, I mixed down many of the tracks from “Those Around Us” (my latest album) and took away the instrument track.  That way, you can hear all of the vocal harmonies…and all of the work I put into them!  I also threw in the backing (music) track to “Look Around”, as it has the an interesting combination of instruments.  I think you’ll really enjoy this 11-track album.

The file is a zip file and the tracks are done in high-quality iTunes AAC format.  And, it’s FREE, so why not download it right now?  I’d love to hear any comments about these special bonus tracks.

You can download this FREE bonus track album here: http://jimfusco.com/TAU-BonusTracks.zip.

Oh, and if you haven’t gotten the real album yet, you can purchase that on CD and on iTunes by clicking here!