“Good Night Now” (Original Music from Indie Music Songwriter Chris Moore)

By Chris Moore:

Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of “Original Wednesday,” our absolute favorite day of the week here at the music blog that brings you a new music video EACH and EVERY day! Original Wednesday is our favorite day because it gives us an opportunity to show off our own songwriting. The whole reason why we do these acoustic cover songs in the first place is to hopefully interest people who like to listen to new music to come and listen to our original music. Jim, Jeff, and I have been producing music for Fusco-Moore Productions for almost a decade now, and we couldn’t be more thrilled when Wednesday rolls around and we can record our own original music!

That being said, I dug into my catalog this week for an original song that I haven’t recorded yet. Over the past several months, I have recorded every original song that I have contributed to my band’s past two releases (the self-titled Masters of the Universe in 2006 and Homestead’s Revenge in 2008). I figured that these are the songs of mine that have seen the most circulation. Well, now that I have finished those, I am beginning to look back at my solo releases. Some of the MoU songs were previously recorded on solo releases, so those are out. However, my 2006 EP, Love Out of Fashion, is a work unto itself — none of the tracks on that album have been recorded or released in any other form.

For tonight’s session, I chose “Good Night Now,” the second track on the album. I hope you’ll take the time to listen to the studio version as well (CLICK HERE to listen!) because it has some of the most experimental guitar effects I had used up to that point. I wrote this song about two female co-workers who I felt very strongly about; these were relationships I established in high school and which lasted up until they left the Staples (where I worked at the time) several years later. I think that the realization that people you think you know in one environment (work, for instance) are really quite different elsewhere is a common one, and it hit me hard when I finally realized. Thus, this song…

So, without further ado, I bring you the free music video for tonight. Don’t miss a brand-new music blog entry from Jeff tomorrow — same Laptop-time, same Laptop-channel…

See you next session!

Songwriter Video Blog Update – Where the #*%& is Jeff?

By Jeff Copperthite:

I hope you haven’t thought ill of me in the past month.

For some reason, the holiday season tends to be the busiest for me. I got the chance to see a lot of family on both my side and my wife’s side, so that is always a positive. I even got a chance to have some of my family listen to FMP’s music. My Quilt bandmate Scott even got compared to Bob Dylan. I find that quite complimentary.

If you’re reading about me, you’re probably asking 2 or possibly 3 questions which i’d like to answer right now.

1) How is Greenlight going?

The recording is going slow, but that is because I want my first official solo effort to be the best I can possibly do. It took me 3 weeks to record “What not to do”, which you now hear in the FMP frontpage player. I went through a lot of takes in most of the instruments, and some of my previous entries dealt with how tough some of those parts were. However, you can tell how much work went into it. I’m very proud of that recording. I am in the middle of finishing up guitars for another song, which i’m still debating the title of. Another song i’m ironing out the lyrics too, and has yet to meet my recorder. I also plan to pull out an oldie from my MIDI library and record it as well. In all, I plan on having 2 instrumentals and 7 vocal songs on the EP. 5 of those vocal songs are primarily finished, while i’m working on the 6th and 7th as mentioned above. If all goes well I plan on finishing primary recording within the next two weeks. It is an optimistic goal, but I know a lot of people who can’t wait to hear it. At the same time, i’m not trying to rush it and if I need more time I will make sure to take it.

2) Where have you been in the Laptop Sessions?

To tell you the truth, I was not all impressed with my $20 webcam and the video it put out. It took forever to get somewhat acceptable settings, and I needed to hook up an external directional microphone to pick my sound up. If you have seen my videos a lot, you’ll notice the video and sound quality is mediocre at best (which is a weird combination of words, but let’s not get into that). And I was also a bit demoralized by a quick rash of negative comments on my “Emaline” video. Due to this combination, and my busy holiday schedule, I let that production slip by. However, over the holidays one of our gifts was a brand spankin’ new digital camera that does awesome video AND has a great condenser microphone. I promise to return to the laptop sessions very soon.

3) What is with that weird Grizzly Adams beard?

Hey, it’s short! It works great for me because now I don’t get asked for a hall pass at the school I teach at.

4) Ignore these four words.

I look forward to using the above mentioned camera to also record some in-studio video for the bonus material, and perhaps i’ll post one or two on this blog. Operation: Studio Improvement will also be commencing in two short months. Watch as I use much effort to paint my studio, put up new doorframe and corkboard ceiling, and a decorative yet inflammable curtain to block out the water heater and furnace from my recording view.

Again, I enjoy hearing from you guys and it really makes me feel great that I have fans on this site. Please email me or post comments for all of us to read.

And, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! May the new year be as fulfilling and rewarding to you as your previous years.

Video Blog 2008: The future of Fusco-Moore Productions’ songwriters!

By Chris Moore:

Hi all. I became lax in my posting during December, so I wanted to start 2008 off right! Now, I don’t have a Laptop Session to post today, but I do have a rant, two hot-off-the-press updates, and some thoughts on the new year. So, here goes…

First, I need to thank all those who came to the second annual MoU Christmas Party this weekend. I really appreciate those of you who said they would be there and actually came. Unfortunately, we had a great deal of people — almost a third of our “confirmed” guest list — who didn’t show and who gave little to no warning. This year, it was especially important to have an accurate count so that Jim would know how much food to make. Instead, we ended up with two thirds of the ziti back in our fridge… Let’s just say I can predict what Jim will be cooking for dinner for the next two and a half weeks! Seriously though, especially since I was the one who took on the task of inviting people, setting up the facebook page, etc., it felt like a big failure. Everyone seemed to have a good time, but the band fund lost $80 in the process rather than making money for our second album, Homestead’s Revenge. It was pretty depressing looking out into the sea of… 24 faces. But, to those 24 who did attend, I want to thank you once again!

Okay, the two updates, as promised:

1) The MoU album – I’m still running this by the other band members, but at this time Homestead’s Revenge will be released as a digital download on Tuesday, January 15th, 2008. It’s about freakin’ time!

2) My essay collection – I’ll be releasing a collection of my essays (academic and otherwise) from 2003-2008 on Tuesday, January 8th, 2008. The collection (which, as a warning, is really only for die-hard essay / Chris Moore fans!) will include essays on relationships, society in general, poetry, and music. It will be released as an e-book and is tentatively titled “Essays” and Other Essays.

Finally, my thoughts on the new year. 2007 was okay, but I felt I was not very productive overall. I think Jim felt the same way — as he said to me the other day, he’s been without a solo album for over two years. I think he’s getting the itch again… That being said, my goal for Fusco-Moore Productions in the new year is to build on the audience of the Laptop Sessions, release some music (perhaps the long-awaited “Fusco and Moore-funkel” album!), and release the short story/poetry book that I’ve been working on for over a year. I really feel like this is a make it or break it year for F-M Prod, and I think both Jim and I are feeling the pressure to really make something of this while we can.

As always, thanks for reading — this is certainly the most I’ve ever written here at one time. Best of wishes from Fusco-Moore for 2008 — keep checking back for new laptop sessions and more all the time!

-Chris Moore