“One After 909” (Beatles Cover)

By Jeff:

Assistant Editor’s note: This was originally posted on September 17, 2009.  The TV in this post is still the one in my living room, and I still have one HDMI input free.

Welcome to Thumpin’ Thursday!  I’ve dug back in time for this week’s video, and gone to a classic song, and one of our many Beatles cover songs.

The song is “One After 909” by The Beatles, from their album “Let It Be”.  I wonder if this song is in their new Rockband game?  Well, if it isn’t, it perhaps should be.  It’s simple, but just has a catchy, bluesy feel to it.

I first heard this song thanks to Chris, when the two of us and our friend Alberto did a show at his house.  This song opened the show and it stuck with me because of how catchy it is.

When you look at the lyrics, you see it’s definitely a train story.  It apparently is about a man who’s going to pick up his friend/girlfriend/wife/whatever at the train station, but the woman, who was supposed to get on 909, gets on the one after!

I ordered a new HD TV yesterday because our old box went boom on me.  I was watching Sportscenter Tuesday morning and all of a sudden “BEOUUUU”, and then that was followed by the smell of electronics burning.  Not good.  So, I purchased a 32 inch LG LCD with a whole lotta HDMI inputs.  I was a little nervous, but then I noticed my cable box has an HDMI out.

Funny thing, is last week I said to my wife “Do you think it’s time to get a new TV?”

Stupid karma.

Ok well i’ll see you next week for my next video!  Toodles!