“Innocent” (Jeff Copperthite Original Wednesday Video)

By Jeff Copperthite:

Wow, we did it!  What started as a “you know, we should just do a video per day for 2008” side comment from Chris has materialized into a 366 day marathon.  Naturally, Chris chose a leap year.  And for some reason, Jim & I have let him live through it all.

This is a momentous day and a momentous post.  Fitting that the year ends on an Original Wednesday post.  Today I bring you another brand new premiere song.  I know you’ve never heard it, because I finished writing it today.

Now that may be evident in today’s video.  I went through a few takes for this not because I messed up, but I couldn’t agree w/ myself on how the song should go.  The end result is a well-flowing song and if you listen intently it has a New Years’ message.

Speaking of which, I wanted to wish all of you a safe and happy New Year, and I hope that it brings you happines, wealth, and a whole bunch of entertainment from us here at guitarbucketlist.com.  As Chris mentioned in his previous post, there will be a lot more than acoustic cover videos going on at this site next year.

Tomorrow I will ring in the New Year with a reflection article and promotional video.  This way my Youtube subscribers will have to read the whole thing on the website, but they’ll know that something is on there.

One of my goals for 2009 is to get more of our Youtube crowd to visit our site regularly.  The sooner they realize the content is being added here rather than on Youtube, the better off they will be with our goings on!

I hope you stay safe, and I hope your new year finds you well and with those you love.  Cheers, and stay tuned for more from guitarbucketlist.com in 2009!

Editor’s Note: Unfortunately, Jeff’s acoustic cover song music videos are no longer on YouTube, but we decided to keep his cover song blog posts up.  We figured these music blog entries would be good for posterity’s sake and because Jeff always gave such insightful posts each Session.  We hope to see Jeff’s impressive catalog of acoustic rock songs here on the Laptop Sessions cover songs and origianal music blog again in the future.  But, for now, please make sure to check-out hundreds of other acoustic cover songs from all of your favorite bands here on the Laptop Sessions music blog!

“Bliss” (Jeff Copperthite Original Acoustic Song)

By Jeff Copperthite:

Good evening! I hope you are well and looking forward to another Fusco-Moore Original Wednesday song. It’s my turn this time and I am digging into the “oldie and somewhat goodie” library (to quote my good friend Scott), for a song from Quilt’s 2003 album “Expressions”. I am playing track 3 from it titled “Bliss”.

This song is one that I had written in a completely different style, but thanks to the awesome abilities of Scott, the sound that came out on the album was much different, and much better. This video meshes the two ways I know the song, and came out as probably one of my better Original Wednesday videos in a while.

Thank you for visiting today and I hope you enjoy today’s video. Check back to our regularly scheduled cover song program when Jim brings you another great acoustic cover!

Editor’s Note: Unfortunately, Jeff’s acoustic cover song music videos are no longer on YouTube, but we decided to keep his cover song blog posts up.  We figured these music blog entries would be good for posterity’s sake and because Jeff always gave such insightful posts each Session.  We hope to see Jeff’s impressive catalog of acoustic rock songs here on the Laptop Sessions cover songs and original music blog again in the future.  But, for now, please make sure to check-out hundreds of other acoustic cover songs from all of your favorite bands here on the Laptop Sessions music blog!

“Improbable Fantasy” (New Music by Indie Music Artist Jeff Copperthite!)

By Jeff Copperthite:

Welcome to another Laptop Sessions’ original Wednesday, where the we at Fusco-Moore Productions present one of many songs that we have written, and play it for you!

This marks the first time I have played one of my original songs here on the Laptop Sessions, and it is a great pick if I may toot my own horn.

The song is called “Improbable Fantasy”, and it is from Quilt’s 2003 album “Expressions” (available at www.fusco-moore.com’s store). It is a bit on the longer side (in this video I did shorten the middle section a bit from it’s original version), but has a catchy progression, and it tells a true story.

In 3 weeks I will be back for another original wednesday (with regularly scheduled covers in between), and you will most likely hear a song from my new album which comes out February 24th. I’m very excited, and I hope you will be when you hear it as well!

Until then, keep checking https://guitarbucketlist.com/ for more from Chris, Jim, and myself!

Editor’s Note: Unfortunately, Jeff’s acoustic cover song music videos are no longer on YouTube, but we decided to keep his cover song blog posts up.  We figured these music blog entries would be good for posterity’s sake and because Jeff always gave such insightful posts each Session.  We hope to see Jeff’s impressive catalog of acoustic rock songs here on the Laptop Sessions cover songs and original music blog again in the future.  But, for now, please make sure to check-out hundreds of other acoustic cover songs from all of your favorite bands here on the Laptop Sessions music blog!

“On the Shelf” (Original Wednesday Acoustic Video by Jeff Copperthite)

By Jeff Copperthite:

Wow it seems so long since i’ve done an original Original Wednesday.  I checked my video session catalog (which is nearing 100 by the way) and the last true original song I have brought you (read: a song that I have written) was actually on July 15.  That is OVER TWO MONTHS!  I couldn’t let it go on any longer!

So i’m digging one up for the sessions today.  Finally, not only an original tune, but a PREMIERE, never before seen or heard, Jeff Copperthite original.

All my fans and my sessionmates are familiar with my playing style.  I feel this song is somewhat of a deviation.  The guitar part I play to this song is probably among the more creative ones I have recently conceived.  The lyrics – well, remember I am a happily married guy, but that doesn’t mean someone can’t tell a story that isn’t personal to the writer.  Plus, it fits the “spirit” of the guitar part quite well.

Perhaps this song will make it to the recording studio next year for another album.  I’ve felt the writing itch for a couple months now.  Scott & I are going to be getting together in the near future to do some jamming as well.  Perhaps a new Quilt EP or album is not that far in the future.  And everyone that knows both of us know, that he’ll blow me out of the water on the guitar.

My viewcount has reached 42K, and I have three new requests to work on for my upcoming sessions, but now back to your regularly scheduled “New Bands 2.0” week.  I’ll be back Saturday covering a band that has already made me say “Holy crap why did I pick this band?” – not because they don’t sound good, but because they sound incredible, and covering them will be a tall order.  I’m up to it, however.

And tomorrow, Jim will be back with another new band (feel free to register it under the “Thumpin’ Thursday™” tag Jim), and Chris will be back to satiate our eyes and ears with another new band.

I hope you enjoyed this edition of Original Wednesday!

Editor’s Note: Unfortunately, Jeff’s acoustic cover song music videos are no longer on YouTube, but we decided to keep his cover song blog posts up.  We figured these music blog entries would be good for posterity’s sake and because Jeff always gave such insightful posts each Session.  We hope to see Jeff’s impressive catalog of acoustic rock songs here on the Laptop Sessions cover songs and original music blog again in the future.  But, for now, please make sure to check-out hundreds of other acoustic cover songs from all of your favorite bands here on the Laptop Sessions music blog!