“Thin Air” (Pearl Jam Cover)

For Pearl Jam chords and lyrics, CLICK HERE!

By Chris Moore:

Hello and welcome to a special Saturday edition of the Laptop Sessions!  I finally passed the 90,000 mark on YouTube, so I figured, “What better way to celebrate than to post an all-new session?”  The answer to that question is the video you’re about to view.

So, why this song?  The truth is that I know very little about Pearl Jam.  Binaural is the first Pearl Jam album that I’ve bought, and there’s a funny story behind that.  I bought it along with two other discs that were marked down at Circuit City.  The other two albums were ones that I’ve been waiting and waiting for a decent price to buy.  I bought Binaural because it was $4.  Brand new!  Now, Circuit City going-out-of-business sale or not, that’s an outstanding price!  My first response was to check the packaging over for signs of a compilation album.  Was this all rarities and b-sides?  Was this an EP? It appeared to be a full album.  So, I did what anyone in my position would do…

I pulled out my iPhone and jumped onto the good ole World Wide Web!

Sure enough, Binaural was a full studio album.  With that in mind, as well as my interest in the upcoming remastered release of their debut album, Ten, I bought it.  At first, I wasn’t crazy about much of it.  Then, at some point during the second listen, songs began to click.  The booklet is really well done, so although Eddie Vedder’s lyrics are unclear at times, I was able to refer to the booklet.  One by one, I fell in love with the tracks and couldn’t stop listening to it.  Now, it turns out that this $4 CD has been my most worthwhile album purchase in a long time!

Before I say much more, I should stop and save my thoughts for tomorrow’s posting of the second installment in my “Deep Racks Report” series.  After the response to last week’s report on Wilco’s A.M., I’m pumped up to finish writing this one.  I was lucky last week that someone found my article and posted the link on an oft-frequented Jay Farrar message board.  If only I knew how I could get my articles seen each week…

So, without further ado, I bring you my first Pearl Jam cover song music video, joining Jeff, who is already six songs strong!  I hope that this holds up to Jeff’s standards for this 90’s alternative rock band that he knows far better than I do.  Or, at least, for now.  (I’m learning…)

See you next session!

Jim Fusco Reaches ONE MILLION YouTube Video Views!!

The Laptop Sessions with Jim Fusco is proud to announce that Jim has now reached one million YouTube video views on his acoustic cover song music videos!

This is a milestone for the Laptop Sessions site, as Jim set this goal when starting the acoustic cover song music video series over three years ago. Jim wanted to put an end to bad YouTube covers forever- a million views down and he’s well on his way!

Here’s hoping the million arrives ten times faster!

Jim Fusco Reaches 800,000 YouTube Video Views- Cover songs, music videos, and more.

Around Christmas Day, Jim Fusco (a musician, singer, and songwriter who’s recorded over 220 cover song music videos on YouTube) reached 800,000 total views on his videos!  Jim began posting videos in late 2007 and is now 80% towards his goal of a million total views.  Jim has recorded these cover song music videos in his home studio and prides himself on doing songs in the original key.  But, his solo acoustic renditions give songs new life and a fresh perspective.  Since the start of the Laptop Sessions, Jim Fusco’s goal has been to put an end to bad YouTube cover videos forever!

Jim’s cover song music videos have been featured in many Top 10 Cover Songs lists and at this point, he pretty much holds the title of most cover song music videos ever recorded by one artist!  Join Jim Fusco on his quest to rule the world of cover songs both on https://guitarbucketlist.com and http://youtube.com on a weekly basis!

Jim Fusco Surpasses 400,000 Views on YouTube!

Seems like forever since we hit a milestone in views- I hope that life will calm down enough to start promotion back up on the blog.

But, in the meantime, I can celebrate 400,000 views on YouTube of my nearly 200 acoustic cover song music videos!  I can’t wait to get the elusive half-million- then, I’ll be halfway to one of my life goals- a million views on YouTube.

To have a million of anything, to me, is pretty impressive.  “Oh, if I had a dollar…” 🙂

Anyway, thanks to all for the support and the views- keep ’em coming!