“Hello It’s Late” (Stone Temple Pilots Cover)

By Jeff:

Assistant Editor/Historian’s note: This post was originally posted in May 2009.  STP had reunited and has since been rebranded due to legal proceedings.  A lot has happened since this post – reunion, firing of Scott Weiland, and the original band being named “Stone Temple Pilots with Chester Bennington”.

That’s right, back to our usual normally scheduled Thumpin’ Thursday schedule!  This time, I promise it’s a song that has not been covered.

I have been lining up more songs to cover since that debacle last week, but it’s not a huge deal, and Chris, Jim, and I all got quite a few laughs over it.  Well, I can only assume.

So I am going to return to one of my favorite bands of all time (as it is known), and not The Wallflowers.  It’s Stone Temple Pilots!  I can add this song to the long library of STP songs that have been covered on this site.

The song is from the album “Shangri La Dee Da”, or “The album we made before we broke up” called “Hello It’s Late”.  I have enjoyed this song because there’s a simple sublety to the guitar riff and the lyrics.

I don’t know about you, but I tend to figure out the meanings of songs easier when I play them.  I must detach myself from the meaning of the lyrics as I listen to a song.  But playing it forces me to follow the lyrics.  That being said, I still don’t know what the true meaning of this song is.  I suppose it could be googled, but i’m discouraged after trying to google what Peter Griffin was saying in the episode “PTV” when he was talking to his wife and getting airhorned every other word.

I had an absolutely wonderful day in school today.  I definitely lifted a huge weight off my shoulders.  Some of you know what i’m talking about.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of the youtube users who have left me some really positive and encouraging comments over the past month.  It’s really awesome when I tend to get more positive comments than dumb troll comments.  The former seems to be on the upswing, and i’m very appreciative of that.  I can only hope my subscribers do find their way over here to read things like this about them.

Also, 120k views!  And this is my 139th session – 11 before the next landmark.

And…well, you know what my last line is.  It’s the same one from the past few posts.

“I Got You” (Stone Temple Pilots Cover)

By Jeff Copperthite:

Hello all of you weekend warriors! It’s Jeff for today’s Saturday edition, and I bring another entry from one of my favorite bands STP, better known as Stone Temple Pilots.

I bring you a song from their album “No. 4” called “I Got You”. This is not the first time you’re hearing a song from this album, as one of my previous sessions Atlanta was also from this album. Not only that, but Jim in the near future will be performing a song from this album as well. We’ve got a good handle on this album now, so I expect the next time I do a song from STP it’ll be off of one of their other 4 albums.

Anyway, this song is a very peppy and catchy song, which is a bit of a contrast to some of the other songs on the album which have a more dark and aggressive sound. The recording itself has a lot of country-slide guitar going on in the background as well as a clean electric guitar solo before the final chorus. Even a bit of piano is thrown in. But for me, you get my regular tenor voice and my acoustic guitar – complete with assorted open position and barre chords.

I felt ultra-productive this past Sunday recording this and three other videos. Now I have to sit down and record more. I’m always open to requests, and I will be working on a request from a student in my school. Until then, enjoy today’s entry into the Laptop Sessions!

Editor’s Note: Unfortunately, Jeff’s acoustic cover song music videos are no longer on YouTube, but we decided to keep his cover song blog posts up.  We figured these music blog entries would be good for posterity’s sake and because Jeff always gave such insightful posts each Session.  We hope to see Jeff’s impressive catalog of acoustic rock songs here on the Laptop Sessions cover songs and original music blog again in the future.  But, for now, please make sure to check-out hundreds of other acoustic cover songs from all of your favorite bands here on the Laptop Sessions music blog!

STP’s “Stone Temple Pilots” (2010) – Yes, No, or Maybe So

STP’s Stone Temple Pilots (2010) – MAYBE

STP's "Stone Temple Pilots" (2010)

STP's "Stone Temple Pilots" (2010)

(May 25, 2010)


This time around, Stone Temple Pilots have gone for the obvious with the album title yet have taken a surprising turn toward the realm of power pop; the first half is populated by dumb but fun rockers, being the rare case where the real gems are sprinkled through the second half.

Top Two Tracks:

“Cinnamon” & “First Kiss on Mars”

“Lady Picture Show” (Stone Temple Pilots Cover)

By Jeff Copperthite:

Good evening to you. I hope you had a great and fulfilling weekend, and that you are starting off your week right by visiting us here at https://guitarbucketlist.com/!

Back to normal here, I bring you another song by Stone Temple Pilots, bringing the total of STP songs we have covered for the sessions to 5. This will be the first cover from STP’s third album “Tiny Music Songs From The Vatican Gift Shop”. We’ve had long song titles before, but not long album titles. I look forward to hearing some even longer titles.

Well anyway, tonight’s session is a single from the album called “Lady Picture Show”. Always a favorite of mine. I always thought this song and album were underrated. The track selection is unique and unlike anything from their library, and produced two of their best singles “Big Bang Baby” and “Trippin’ on a Hole in a Paper Heart” (speaking of long song titles…).

This song translates well as an acoustic cover. My voice was a bit tired from baseball this weekend though (a whole lot of called strike 3’s can be tough on the vocal cords). I also said one wrong word in the final verse. It should be “she hides behind the bedroom door”, but I said “she hides behind the bedroom wall” instead.

I hope you enjoyed “Title Track” week, and if you found our series as a result of our article in the Record Journal today, we welcome you and hope you enjoy our series so much that you come back every day.

Also, as a side note, I crossed 15K views on Friday night, and this video marks my 60th Laptop Session! Don’t worry – there are plenty of acoustic cover videos to come from Chris, Jim, and myself!

Stay tuned for Jim’s latest and greatest session tomorrow. Have a great day!

Editor’s Note: Unfortunately, Jeff’s acoustic cover song music videos are no longer on YouTube, but we decided to keep his cover song blog posts up.  We figured these music blog entries would be good for posterity’s sake and because Jeff always gave such insightful posts each Session.  We hope to see Jeff’s impressive catalog of acoustic rock songs here on the Laptop Sessions cover songs and original music blog again in the future.  But, for now, please make sure to check-out hundreds of other acoustic cover songs from all of your favorite bands here on the Laptop Sessions music blog!